Gay people have been in film and television since the 90s, what point are you trying to make?
People aren’t watching what they put out. Their sustainment is heavily reliant on their parks. They destroyed Marvel and Star Wars chasing something other than what the respective core demographic wanted. This is clearly majorly impacting them or else:
It’s not looking good for the “narrative”, I’ll tell you that.
Theres been inclusion and representation in movies and TV since the 90s. I’m confused. What are you referring to specifically?
I never understood this. I sleep with wet socks on and the fan. Helps keep me cool at night.
I think most people have caught on to the fact that large corporations generally put out utter shit quality games and to stay away from them.
It should be illegal to interfere with a user experience outside of delivering it to them.
High waisted jeans are some of the most hideously unflattering clothing I’ve ever fucking seen. It’s an instant cringe whenever I see some poor soul wearing them. I get everyone wants to follow fashion, but some fashion is just straight up ugly whether it’s in or out.
Does anyone else fear the economic impact that student loans are going to have once they are resumed? I am really not looking forward to another recession.
But if he releases it and it’s alrdy out there, there’s nothing they can do
This is the third Elon Musk related post in a row. Can we agree to simmer down?
What was the agenda?