Fuck that. Been sailing the high seas all along. Fuck corporate America!
Fuck that. Been sailing the high seas all along. Fuck corporate America!
Yea potheads are super bad for this as well.
Source: pothead
Just taught my ten year old how to.use bit torrent last week. It will live forever!
I see it posted here often…
That was the plan all along with pro sports.
If you would like your own you can find “punk with a camera” online or at many large punk rock events in the US. He produces these as bumper stickers and t-shirts. He has other great designs as well.
Need more disks…
Same happened to us. Not as much data. But two 2TB.
Pirate it all or don’t watch it.
Been living by this for decades since I learned from my highschool computer science teacher that it was even possible. I’m 50 now and I have paid only twice for tv and movies in my adult life.
I’ve been pirating content since floppy disks. I’ve watched all the changes happen in that time. Pirating is more accessible than ever.
Yea well no neighbors is the only way to go.
Ahhhhhhhh country living is amazing. Not one neighbor.
It is slow. Constantly bogs down. Won’t open apps at will. The keyboard sticks open often and comes up when isn’t requested. Maps often won’t search. Lots of reasons it sucks big fat balls.
I have a pixel 7. I hate the fucking thing.
Canadian here…the cremation of sam magee
I wait till the next day and skip all that shit. Fights only.
I’ve got a 118 and I’m pretty sure I’m almost a cult leader now.
The ancients like me yearn…