Archon Androgen Pharmacokinetics
Murray after duck taping shards of glass on his hands: “Time to put the dead back where they belong.” 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
This isn’t necessarily bad. It is made so forgeries can be detected.
I brought you back to zero. Now hug me… please :(
Potatoes, nature’s mockery.
Yes, is my real email. Dont ask…
The one thing the Nazis did right was their propaganda. Even at our day, it succeeds in poisoning the impressionables.
Because all the vets have died off.
It’s better than your fav YouTuber just stopping making videos. Zuthar13…
Yeah, going back in time is too op. Let’s say you become your 6 year old body with the same memories and mental capacity as you are now. What about now?
Worms emerge to worship Jesus
I will cause a resonance cascade on Valve HQ if that ever happens.
As a Windows 10 user who only enabled security updates neither can I.
What color changes? If you’re talking about a bug obviously it will be fixed after some time. Other than that I didnt see any color change. I especially like the new nightime theme that is full black.
Discord slightly changed their UI with no visible downsides but people are soo unrelenting to change that they complain for no reason.
What about 1050ti?
Damn, reality is only limited by my imagination, and everything I hope to accomplish can be accomplished as long as I am motivated enough to put on the work?
I went to reddit for Valve memes, but now I decided to make my own community here for it. The only problem is NO ONE ELSE FUCKING POSTS!
Will I get banned if I kill this mf right here?
I’ve met my gf on day of defeat
Basically: Anti-Terrorist agent gets instructed not to talk to terrorist, talks to terrorist and becomes a terrorist.