N Mı prȯblėm if klikıŋ ė ſpoılṙ tæg z ſėm Hṙkyleyėn efṙt t Y.
Not my problem if clicking a spoiler tag is some Herculean effort to you.
If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
N Mı prȯblėm if klikıŋ ė ſpoılṙ tæg z ſėm Hṙkyleyėn efṙt t Y.
Not my problem if clicking a spoiler tag is some Herculean effort to you.
“Ƿ did it Pætcrik! Ƿ ſeıvd Pælistuın!”
We did it Patrick! We saved Palestine!"
Uı’m lu̇kı Uı’m tuıd t NYS Eırėbz æ n Micigen Eırėbz.
I’m lucky I’m tied to NYC Arabs and not Michigan Arabs.
“F ė brıf momimt, Uı þıŋk ð establicmint lṙnd itſ leſėn…”
“For a brief moment, I think the eetablishment learned its lesson…”
Ð law shows leniency where it can be demonstrated ðat ð adult was genuinely deceived into þinking ð child in question was a legal adult.
Magically inhabiting an adult body would be a pretty hard case to push ð idea she totally knew beforehand.
Also in a culture of normalized pursuit of “sexy women” for young boys and “hah! Lucky!” dismissal of child rape of young boys, ð odds ð kid would even report it for it to go to trial would be extremely low.
I mean it’s also pretty damn religious too
Alex Jones would like to know your location
Could be a decent moderating tool too since increasing layers of Innuendo wouldn’t be as likely to dodge a pattern seaking algoriðm as ðey would be an underpayed overworked hand sorting mod.
No, but pasteurization technically is done with an open top container
And, yeah that is technically correct, hence it being in showerthoughts
Heating causes evaporation even if boiling isn’t technically achieved.
Like how salt pools will evaporate out water despite the earth not constantly being at 100° C.
Mother of god if someone actually tried to push that I would run for office for the explicit purpose of killing it dead and loudly vilifying the dumbfuck who thought of it into never making anything again.
There are now at least a dozen calendar reformists edging on posting a rant about this lol.
Worth noting though that this has mostly stuck around because any attempt to switch to a more divisible week structure is met with resistance from Christians and Jews since going off 7s messes with their calendars.
Of course you could use just two liminal days inserted outside of the standard month or week and basically have a calendar where holidays stop jumping dates.
Would you believe me if I told you that the dot letters were actually what made up the majority of what isn’t in the keyboard normally?
Qit haṙcıŋ muı tcil bro.
I mean English is a germanic language, not too surprising how german phonemic spelling would look considering how much of our fucked up current system is owed to trying to make loan words consistent with their language of origin.
IPA is less readable, also this is an orthographic alphabet, the true letter count is much smaller, and it actually gets even smaller if you use the “sloppy” version, which is basically just grabbing an Alphabet language Gboard for þ ð ŋ and ſ, using ue oe and ae as needed, and using u o i e a as you would their dotted (or undotted in i’s case) counterparts and just hoping context makes clear what the literal text doesn’t necessarily.
I’m more partial to an entirely new alphabet,
F/f - For
U/u - Oopse
U̇/u̇ - Up
Uṙ/uṙ - Nurse
Uı/uı - I
UE/ᵫ - Book
Þ/þ - Thanks
Ð/ð - The
O/o - Oh
Ȯ/ȯ - On
Ou/ou - Out
Ouṙ/ouṙ - our
Oṙ/oṙ - Or
Oı/oı - Oil
Œ/œ - “Oh” isolate
Œṙ/œṙ - “oer the ramparts we watched”
Œı/œı - owing vs boing
Ṙ/ṙ - Earth
R/r - Read
K/k - Court
C/c - She
Q/q - Quick
G/g - Go
Gq/gq - Gwen
Gx/gx - Ghurfa
V/v - Of
W/w - With
H/h - He
X/x - loch
N/n - Negation
Ny/ny - ñapa
I/ı - Eat
Iṙ/ıṙ - Ear
Y/y - You
İ/i- In
P/p - Park
S/ſ - So
Z/z - Is
T/t - To
Tc/tc - Check
B/b - Be
E/e - Elder
Ė/ė - A
Eı/eı - Acre
Eıṙ/eıṙ - Air
M/m - Me
L/l - Like
Ŋ/ŋ - Ring
D/d - Do
Dj/dj - Jacket
A/a - All
Au/au - Awe
Aṙ/aṙ - Are
Aı/aı - Sky
Aıṙ/aıṙ - Ire
Æ/æ - And
J/j - Genre
Eklızıæstiku̇ſ, 34:18-21
Humevṙ givz æz tceıritı, gᵫdz ðeı hæv teıkin buı foṙſ oṙ buı diſȯniſtı, ðeıṙ doneıcėnz aṙ ȯbſın; ðeıṙ giftſ aṙ ė ceımfėl mȯkṙı v djenṙȯſitı.
Benevolenſ diteſtſ tceıritı givin buı blu̇dı hændz; no ėmount n'oṙ vælyu given buı ſu̇tc ſṙvz t ėpız ð huıeſt.
Humevṙ teıkſ wėt litėl filz ð ſtoṙz v ð diſfoṙtcund, ðei d ð ſeım æz wu̇n hu mṙdṙz ð tcuıld bifoṙ ðeıṙ peırent'ſ uız.
Đ fᵫd v ð disfoṙtcund z ðeıṙ luıfblu̇d, ænd humevṙ difrȯdz ðem v it, ðeıṙ hændz aŗ ſteınd red; al ð seim æz eni mṙdṙṙ oṙ brut v difrint mınz.
Levitiku̇ſ, 19:33-34
Wen ė forinṙ livz ėmėŋgſt Y, i yoṙ kėntcrı, dn miſtcrıt ðem. Ðiſ pṙſėn livıŋ ėmėŋgſt Y mu̇ſt bı tcrıtėd æz yoṙ on. Lu̇v æ d u̇ntu yoṙ neıbṙ æz Y wᵫd yoṙſelf.
R fully becomes a semi vowel same as U to W or I to Y, several grammar words get Shavian style abbreviations for brevity, and where french has accents, spanish has the ñ, and german has umlauts, the expanded english vowels have single dots the way lower case i already does.
I’ve played rescue ranger a couple of times, legit one incident I intervened in was some poor bastard running for their life across the entirety of Liurnia Lake while the invader was leading an angry mob of enemies chasing them
Night and Flame got a workout that day, lemme tell y’all.
I’ve been saying for a while now that the singularity isn’t going to be based in an AGI, ot will be minimizing quantum computing not just to a commercial scale, but to an implantable scale, and creating a neural “third hemisphere” implant which allows the user to basically have all the capabilities that human thought excels at over machines calculation, as well as all the capabilities of the reverse.
If we hit that point before inequality is addressed, it will lead to the classes literally becoming different species from each other, an overlord owning class that has financial access to such expanded mental capacity, and the peasant working classes that are financially shut out of the expanded career potential the implants would provide.
Not to mention the terroristic horror that could come from the implant not being solidly air gapped from the internet. Might be cool to perfectly calculate an optimal frisby toss, but it’ll be less cool if someone changed the trajectory you’re aiming along to turn the thing into a murder weapon by hitting a rando at just the right angle.
Ratta Ratta?