edit: works better when used together with StackOverflow.comment.enabled = false;
edit: works better when used together with StackOverflow.comment.enabled = false;
An app that will save the world…and other fantasies that software developers tell themselves to feel important
People who use the same spice for every dish.
Reminds me of a hilarious bug in early GHC: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/163
The compiler will delete your source file if there’s any compile error. And the user complained only by sending a very polite email to report this bug. Simon Peyton Jones mentioned it in one of his talks and I still find it quite hilarious till this day.
The problem with these token activism is that it’s hollow in content. The intent might be good, but the action is almost pure virtue signalling.
Slavoj Zizek pointed out in multiple interviews that there’s a pervert self-reflectiveness in the self-censorship: privileged people “enjoy” being guilty of their privilege, so it’s more about themselves rather than the people they claim to represent. “Sorry, but you were naive and unaware of people being racist when they use these words, so let me stop them and now you are protected (by me) in an inclusive atmosphere.”
A related radical freedom situation as an inverse to the above is that when friends get really close, even using racist slurs is treated as a gesture of intimacy, rather than racism. In an ideal world, the context in the public discourse would be so strong that even racist words lose their racist meaning (“oh, so you are joking as well”) rather than the opposite (assuming there’s ubiquitous “hidden” racism in the use of a word, even when there’s clearly none).
Another critique is that it presents itself as a substitute of real solutions. Instead of addressing real problems, it provides a simple “everyday” solution, very much similar to the recycling movement. Of course we need to recycle, but we should be aware that it’s not a substitute of radical real actions (e.g. stopping the big oil).
They are already invented: 😱 and 😱😱😱
Well, that already happened for Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Philip K. Dick’s early novella The Gun describes this, but instead of chat bots, they were auto nuclear weapons.
Sean k strikes it again.
Yes for OCaml. Haskell’s inequality is defined as /=
(for ≠). <>
is usually the Monoid mappend
operator (i.e. generalized binary concatenation).
After the crush, they shout CR2032.
Nah, in real CSS, the window would overflow and bring down the whole house.
If you execute a binary without specifying the path to it, it will be searched from the $PATH environment variable, which is a list of places to look for the binary. From left to right, the first found one is returned.
You can use which cat
to see what it resolves to and whereis cat
to get all possible results.
If you intentionally wants to use a different binary with the same name, you can either directly use its path, or prepend its path to $PATH.
Sadly not its meta factory.
It’s not presented as a loop and there’s no wife panel after the fourth one 🤔
BitTorrent has partial seeding. So if someone extends a torrent with some files, the original one can still be used for seeding.
Another reason for the last bit being the slowest is because populars chunks are downloaded first.
The difference is that fixed capital matters little to the rate of profit, so they can spend a lot of money and it still evens out over the period of operation. The food and wage, on the other hand, affects the rate of profit a lot. So we can usually see restaurants with “fancy” decors, but with shitty food and low wages.
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