The joke is so old a minor would’ve died by old age by now
The joke is so old a minor would’ve died by old age by now
We’re more like lint sticking to fuzz.
Hey at least the numbers change every once in awhile.
It’s essentially a funnel with a flat base. I just cut the bottom of one of mine to be more flat and works just as well.
If I could vote on my kinks I’d be at least 1 more sexy.
I figure, I’d rather China my info than my own government. Both are terrible options unfortunately.
Is there an implied highkey?
Edit: There is! But is there a midkey?
Do devs get paid royalties? If not, why would they be mad at something that doesn’t affect them?
I think keeping analog tech along side the digital equivalent is probably a good idea, just in case. Plus learning varied systems makes for more adaptable and smarter people.
When you’re super high on shrooms and attain this realization, things get a little bit close.
That’s fair. You can engage however you like, there’s no rules. I prefer a dialog in forums myself and would’ve enjoyed a discussion with you and your unique perspective.
Man, these types of posts are a killjoy.
Not with that attitude.
Headphone jack, please.
I don’t quite get this. Can the whole not be creative?
I don’t know and I was wrong seems to be some of the hardest things to say
Yeah, our government has been an absolute joke lately. We do have our fair share of neo nazis but that incident was pure incompetence.
This should be worked on seriously. Our future looks bleak and we need to do something about it.
Could a non-human vanguard be possible for a broader scope of governance? I don’t trust humanity all that much when it come to dictation.
It’s not. Finding the latest version of the unlock tool is the biggest obstacle.