I do lie awake most nights thinking about it
I do lie awake most nights thinking about it
it’s not that they don’t drink tea, it’s that they drink it wrong
it was broken?
I played a couple weeks of GTA V streaming from my PC to my Deck not that long ago
you’d be surprised what slips through review
have you been getting the cancer vids too?
i was worried the algorythm had caught something i hadnt.
and it’s youtubers i had never previously watched
there was discussion a while back on the lemmy github about federated communities
why does florida get three lines?
extra funny when you realise a most of the ground work for the shit state the economy is in was laid under trump
i heard someone talking about “Bidenflation” today
Couldnt have sounded dumber if he tried
I can code a feature faster than i can debug ChatGPTs attempt. so long as it’s in JS
ChatGPT is better at bash than me though
i actually thought i would go take a look at threads. when i tried to log in on my PC it told me i had to download the app on my phone before it would let me log in with the account they already apparently created for me.
so i left and havent been back
By the time i got out of customer service i was getting a lot of complaints about how little it sounded i cared. (I didn’t)
Depends where you are. There are tax implications for this too. look at IR35 in the UK
in the UK you get a month break on the council tax in december
cant get much else craft beer wise where i live.
i like a porter ale but theres only like one shop that does one.
Stouts are nice but guinness is overplayed. Brewdog have released a stout that seems to be doing well though, but i like variety
My dads Merc says “please” when it’s giving you directions.
winds me up to no end.
i want the instructions to be as low bandwidth as possible.
Tesco have done this in the UK for all their “special” offers.
and like a cucked little beta boy i got the clubcard
Lead of a small team of scripters here. The “Why. Not What” is defo a good way of encouraging cleaner code.
Had to request changes recently on a PR like this, big function with comments telling me what it was doing. When they resubmitted for review they had broken it down into smaller functions with good variable/function naming. following what was going on was much easier