In New Orleans there is an eggnog daiquiri around this time and it’s fucking FANTASTIC.
Random anecdote - years ago there was a hurricane heading in our general direction but not a direct hit. There was also a big UFC event that my partner wanted to watch. A friend invited him to a local sports bar to watch it, but I asked him to please stay home because the weather was still shit.
So he did and I found it on the high seas, problem solved.
The friend went to the sports bar and got stranded when the parking lot flooded pretty badly and his car was ruined.
Very helpful, thanks again :)
Thank you! I didn’t know about this.
Please tell me what you added to configure this.
My god I wish there was an option to just not show shorts. Why that’s so difficult is beyond me.
It’s the little things in life.
Could only be made better with some Mountain Dew.
I use epub on mine, after downloading it from z-lib using my phone. Then I just send it to Kindle and have never had any issues.
Thanks! Sorry, I’m just getting back into this after awhile of not doing it. I’ve done some reading up on this part of it already, but I hadn’t got there yet. :)
What torrent site(s) does it use?
(Sorry if this is a stupid question)
Is that why I got that like 10 years ago and before VPN’s were as well known and easy as they are now?
Thank you. Jesus Christ.
You used uBlock on iOS?
wtf Mozilla :(