That’s a feature, not a bug.
That’s a feature, not a bug.
I still use Libby. It is temporary just like physical rentals but nbd. They have more books than I could ever listen to.
Who’s official site, docker? I legit have no idea where to start
Lots of suggestions for Arr. I also have a Mac and use Plex. I explored setting up the Arr suite but promptly got lost in the weeds. Is there a guide that doesn’t include “install this executable from an untrusted source” to set this up? There are Arr docker setup files available but I have no idea who made them and if they are trustworthy, I’d rather go to the source than third party.
The problem with that is it doesn’t provide disincentive. If you catch 1% of pirates, the fine has to be more than 100x the loss to make it an economic disincentive.
You know, assuming these are tangible goods that cannot be copied without harming the creator. Reality is piracy does not correlate with sales very well.
Pixel 9 pro has a smaller model and it’s great.
Looks like that turns off everything, but I was able to turn off iCloud and leave google on, we’ll see how that works.
I tried disabling iCloud Keychain and it disabled every password fill. I can try it again or look at the options again…
It’s better on android than Apple. The biggest problem on Android seems to be sites not following standards in identifying their fields which breaks autofill.
On iPhone this same problem exists, but you also have to deal with iCloud sporadically taking over and messing up the workflow, adding fun new ways for it to fail.
More effective is a massive understatement. Now they can precisely measure effectiveness and adjust their strategy in real time to maximize output. They have increased effective effectiveness several fold. The cat is out of the bag, even if we try to roll this back the googles of the world know the data is there and can’t not harvest it. Our best strategy has to combine regulation and monopoly busting, break these companies into smaller ones that have less power to comb through big data.
For a good read on this, check out The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuniga.
I have lots of questions. I’ve always heard to use a VPN that doesn’t keep logs, this is the first I’ve heard of i2p. If I add i2p trackers that implies I still have non-i2p trackers so can still be identified. I feel like I need way more information on how to do this safely before I change anything.
Golden ratio here we come
Yeah if you’re not building birdhouses and remodeling your sauna it probably doesn’t apply to you.
Not Porter Cable. I bought a PC cordless set as my first set because it was inexpensive. I was wrong, it was cheap. None of the cutting tools are square and 0 isn’t 0, you have to fiddle with it to get it square. My oscillating tool died with not many hours on it. The orbital sander works great but tears through batteries, probably a quarter the life of my DeWalt brushless tool on the same mAh size battery.
I am on DeWalt now. A prior employer gave out DeWalt tools as safety awards, and then I worked for a subsidiary of Stanley so I got steep discount on DeWalt. It is crazy how much that stuff is marked up, but it generally holds up well.
I have some heavy industrial experience with DeWalt and Milwaukee 1/2" impact wrenches. Heavy usage, using it every hour for 12 hours a day 7 days a week. The DeWalts battery rails would wear and loosen, intermittently losing electrical contact. This was a problem with the tool, not the battery, so we’d have to replace the tool. The Milwaukees were smaller and lighter for comparable torque output, so less chance of repetitive motion injury. The Milwaukee batteries eventually shook themselves to death, breaking the plastic fastening locations inside the battery case requiring replacement of the batteries. It was cheaper to replace batteries over time with Milwaukee than replace tools over time with DeWalt.
Milwaukee has a larger variety of tool than DeWalt from my experience. I’ve encountered a few things that Milwaukee makes but DeWalt doesn’t, like battery powered palm nailer.
Looks like Makita also does its own thing.
Ads for a septuacentennial cupcake in a cup!
It can be bad. I also have this superpower, I can pop my ears (open my eustachian tubes) by flexing my throat muscles. The bad part comes when this happens on its own over and over and makes me dizzy. Thankfully that’s only happened twice, but once was almost a whole day. I pop my ears much less now to try and avoid overdoing it.
Apple knows where my friend’s cat hides in the woods.
I had to switch to iPhone due to extenuating circumstances. Got the regular 15. The camera is awful and gets in the way of getting good shots. I miss my pixel 6 pro and am jealous of my wife’s pixel 9 pro. I let her take the pictures now when I can.