Seeing as cars and computers are increasingly shared platforms, where is the car-hacking community? As distinct from the car-optimizing or car-modding communities.
Seeing as cars and computers are increasingly shared platforms, where is the car-hacking community? As distinct from the car-optimizing or car-modding communities.
The first hit’s free:
Remember that this isn’t something to win, or really even be good at. Instead this is a story generator. I like sprawling forts with dozens of faceless drones, but if you prefer a more intimate fort where you can follow each name through their life and untimely demise, you can change the max pop in the settings.
Work orders are your only friend here.
Were there any witnesses?
If not: blame the shelves “the thing just buckled when I put the pallet there”
Else: cop to it, I guess? Can’t trust nobody in warehouse.
I got one in ‘atomic purple’ because that is the most rad color.
For projects like this (longish and a product of several sessions) including levity for the sake of your own motivation is fine.
What isn’t fine is missing proofreading steps before sending.
Eh, major metro areas are always terrible.
Partly because they grew too quick and infrastructure/logistics have a hard time being as dynamic as the populations they serve, and partly because they have diverse driving cultures.
Everywhere has slightly different interpretations of “good driving” and that’s all well and good until they all meet in Atlanta and have to contend with all the other interpretations.
That said, I am a bad driver anywhere I go.
This is remarkable! BMW drivers are definitely the sponsors od this article.
Imma need you to expand this answer.
I don’t care for controller gaming much, but this one didn’t strike me as notably worse than amy other.
Also a subscriber, also pleased.
More importantly, as an aspiring privacy nut, can you share that research with me?
One day I hope to have a see-thru purple car. GameBoy Color vibes.
Lisa Frank is the artist behind those suuper technicolor prints from the 90’s. TIL she’s still around.
Could probably skip the second half. Overhead and salaries, etc. could put you out 100m.
Woah man! Save some friends for the rest of us!
Gun license? Is this a Canadian meme?
If I was associated with Texas, I’d also rather be forgotten…
Not as intended? Or not as advertised?
Not a climber, but I like the feel of a nicely weathered olivine.
Here I was thinking this was another security question scam.
Are you me?