a person raising their hands
a person raising their hands
I, too, don’t love the use of AWS/Cloudflare, while I get that you can simply replace AWS S3 with something else for backups, this server setup is innately based on using Cloudflare.
Billy should really not support them, Ad Block Plus let’s advertisers pay for having their ads checked as “acceptable advertisements”, i.e. is selling out the core functionality of their product. Billy should use uBlock origin, which afaik does not accept donations, he could however support something like PiHole .
Username checks out
I agree, although some very unsympathetic part of me internally screams every time I read that.
Data is already plural, so the form datas does not exist. It even has the rarely used singular datum as it is just Latin for “given”, but using data instead is generally also regarded correct.
You’re right, as far as I know we have not yet implemented systems to actively reduce similarity to specific works in the training data past a certain point, but if we chose to do so in the future this would raise the question of formalising when plagiarism starts; which I suspect to be challenging in the near future, as society seems to not yet have a uniform opinion on the matter.
Interesting take on LLMs, how are you so sure about that?
I mean I get it, current image gen models seem clearly uncreative, but at least the unrestricted versions of Bing Chat/ChatGPT leave some room for the possibility of creativity/general intelligence in future sufficiently large LLMs, at least to me.
So the question (again: to me) is not only “will LLM scale to (human level) general intelligence”, but also “will we find something better than RLHF/LLMs/etc. before?”.
I’m not sure on either, but asses roughly a 2/3 probability to the first and given the first event and AGI in reach in the next 8 years a comparatively small chance for the second event.
Firefox (idk about other browsers) also has a feature where you can right click the element on the website and directly make a screenshot just of this element, that should work as well.
Why all those downvotes? What did I miss?
Something about that just feels… kinda great, definitely sounds like something one should strive for.
Logseq, it’s a lot like Obsidian as it also has knowledge graphs, tags, is markdown-based and self-hostable but, in contrast to Obsidian, it’s fully open source
I think the latter makes clear that this is a joke account, doesn’t it?
Actually, Europe wouldn’t have stopped exploding to this very day.
You completely misunderstood the art of eating pretzels.
Hi, for a long time Firefox was seen as slow by windows users when it was in fact Windows Defender slowing it down artificially to “check its activity” - while at the same time on other OSes it was actually faster and more lightweight than Chrome. I think that’s also the reason people downvote you - Firefox isn’t perceived as slow by the wider privacy focused user base (or they don’t care) - even though at some point it might have been on Windows or webpages are still better optimized for Chrome.
The reason is in fact not only because of this exact symbol, but because people tried to change program’s behavior in a malicious way by replacing legitimate code with same looking symbols.
As a tablet Linux user, this is really cool!