Yeah but what if you’re the AI twin and you’re in the metaverse right now playing out a recursive simulation? Is focusing on better paying jobs really what you want to spend your time doing?
Yeah but what if you’re the AI twin and you’re in the metaverse right now playing out a recursive simulation? Is focusing on better paying jobs really what you want to spend your time doing?
I often thought it’d be cool to have founding legal documents available in a source control system that was available to everyone.
Yeah that sounds cool af
It’s not so bad being the worst player on the team. Just means you have a lot of room for improvement as long as you’re willing to learn. Honestly it’s one of my favorite situations to find myself in. “Oh I suck. How can I get better?”
Hot take: All criteria used to classify ideas and objects into distinct categories can eventually break down. The only reason to pursue the creation of classification systems is to facilitate communication. If we get to a point where we start throwing chairs at each other I’d argue were no longer willing to communicate, and so arguing about whether something is “this” or “that” is no longer a priority. The priority should become attending to the mental and emotional wellbeing of the individuals in the absence of labels.
I still love Pokémon, I just try not to let my nostalgia for the old games get in the way of enjoying the new ones. I try to judge everything on its own merit.
But yeah I agree, really animals are way more complex and interesting than anything you’d find in a game.
Magnemite is named after a magnet and Voltorb is an electric orb.
Tauros and Porygon are just one letter away from Taurus and polygon.
Ekans is snake backwards.
I’m open to having my mind changed, but I’m going to need more lol
Honestly I don’t even think gen 1 Pokémon are anymore creative than the others. I was still a kid when the concept was new so they felt fresh, but pretty much every Pokémon I can think of is based on an existing archetype of some sort. Plant/Animal, inanimate object brought to life, spirits, dinosaurs, etc. Then you sprinkle on some regional flavor and there you go, you got a Pokémon.
“Identity” isn’t something that belongs to the object, it’s something that is assigned to the object by an observer.
Uhhh… The internet? lol
You can get together with a small group of friends if you’re more comfortable that way, but the sentiment is the same. Find some people and have fun remembering your shared past.
Don’t worry trainer, you can always get back together in a big ol’ group of all your friends and between everyone we’ll be able to figure out all their names. :)
My bad, I meant the activity depicted in the picture (popping a wheelie to try to impress a girl) could easily be from a pre-internet time.
Right, I guess I mean I don’t see how the sentiment of wanting to show off for ladies has really changed that much post internet. To me this picture speaks more towards how motorcycles impacted simping, and I’m pretty sure that’s the whole reason motorcycles were invented.
In what way? Guys popping wheelies to impress girls was definitely a thing before the internet. I’m pretty sure that’s why the wheelie was invented.
Can’t blame you. I put a Windows PC together again just so I could play Helldivers 2 a bit more consistently. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy your leisure time.
Ah… Yeah. Idk. If I was god I’d make it so anyone who wanted to find me could find me through any path regardless of where they started at. Assuming “god” exists and is at least that benevolent then there’s nothing to worry about regardless of your religion.
I think if god exists it would design a system that would lead you to it if you wanted to find it. In which case religion wouldn’t have to be the only way to find god.
But I suppose I should ask what do you mean by the “way to god”?
At some point God might say “I don’t know if I can make it better than this, but I’ll give it a try if you’ll help me out.”
Because you’re more grounded.