Please don’t jump into your server. It will be crushed. Just use SSH.
He/Him - Anarchist
Please don’t jump into your server. It will be crushed. Just use SSH.
Thankyou so much! It can be hard to figure out when all results give me amazon lambda. Rust and their silly names…
I was looking up lambda functions for rust because i needed it for something and didn’t know how, what, etc. But searching anything lambda now only shows results for fucking amazon lambda bullshit! Really pisses me off… its fucked 😠
Limmy on Lemmy
Aaah okay i get it now :) that makes a lot more sense.
Legit question because i think I’m misunderstanding. But if its a const, how are you able to swap or replace it?
That is a… strange take.
Random example, imagine a variable that holds the time of the last time the user moved the mouse. Or in a game holding the current selected target of the player. Or the players gold amount. Or its level. Or health. Or current position.
There are quite a few github repos with projects filled with buzzwords and other bullshit where i still dont understand wtf the software is actually for 🤔. I dont get it.
I… don’t think display ports add 100 on top of the price. Do you have a source for it that its so much more expensive?
And your “he damaged a corporation so he needs to be removed from society” is not capitalist propaganda?
If you hate communism so much, move to a corporate housing building and break your back working in an amazon warehouse for 16 hours a day. Go piss in a bottle and donate a little extra of your paycheck to your boss so he lets you use a bathroom once a week. It’s easy to support capitalism while having the luxuries of an open source community driven platform loaded with leftists.
Isnt the frame at 8-9 seconds the place infront of the car dealership in gta 5 where you do the first missions? Idk. I feel like this footage is fake.
Have you tried launching it with logging in a terminal in bottles? It can often tell you if its missing something that it needs to launch.
Chill… people are just having a discussion about the odyssey website this video is hosted on. Some of us have never seen that site before and are discussing it. Just scroll past. Its not that big a deal honestly.
What in the shit is “xtreme programming”?
Almost feels like a little response to the anger from players about the 3 day early access for the new wow expansion.
Hell yeah! I’m proud of you nerd! Trust me i know it can be overwhelming but you’re doing amazing figuring all these things out! :)