Yeah, pretty sure I read this like 2 years ago.
Yeah, pretty sure I read this like 2 years ago.
We were back when I worked retail, but they are making no money and don’t give a fuck about their job
The worst part about browsing GW back then was how hard it was to get the onion off your belt.
But those were the days…
Do not want
I’d be fine if they gave us another USB C port, but inability to listen and charge the phone at the same time without using Bluetooth (which also needs to be charged) grinds my gears.
I drove black cars for a bit, I’ve definitely just taken the airport exit once when I was out of it. Glad I’m not alone.
Podcasts and technology connections on YouTube. I totally enjoy them, but if I’m halfway tired and my mind doesn’t want to focus and I put either on, I’m passing out after 10 minutes.
Member back when you used to be optimistic about the upcoming innovation? Now the only “innovation” is enshitification.
R.i.p. Halo. 1v1 on hang em high’s magic will never be recaptured
I have no idea how Samsung phones are so popular. They are aesthetically pleasing I guess, but their insistence on bloat ware has driven me away since day 1. I almost got the 1 bloat free phone they ever made which was the S4 Google Play edition, but opted for the HTC One Google Play edition instead. Since then, every phone has been loaded with unremovable garbage apps that you can’t get rid of without rooting. I refuse to buy a phone with garbage apps that no one uses with the sole purpose of data collection. Say what you will about Google (I know) but at least their apps are helpful.
My mom has a Samsung Smart TV that recently kept turning on by itself to play their shitty TV+app which was pre installed on the TV, and never once opened (not on purpose at least) by anyone in the household. Apparently this is a common issue. I had to disconnect it completely from the internet, perform a factory reset, sign her Samsung account out, and plug in a Chromecast to replace the UI of the TV just to get everything working for her, and not waste electricity by having the TV randomly turn on every 30 minutes. It’s one thing if they were bloating their UI with good apps, but forcing a bunch of absolutely useless apps onto us is ridiculous.
The only time I use regards in a work email is me taking a subtle dig and dropping a WSB reference.
I appreciate you reaching out. If you would please refer to my previous email where I wrote out step by step instructions.it should answer all your questions. If you need further clarification, please feel free to reach out.
I always get a laugh out of why they chose Crocs. For anyone uninformed, see Mike judge quote below:
The wardrobe had to be something that’s not around now. It had to be created for a lot of extras, and so you know our wardrobe person was looking for ways to make the budget work. And Crocs were not out in the world yet. They were just a small startup at the time. We shot in 2004, so no one was wearing Crocs. And she showed me these things, and I thought, 'Oh those are great, just stupid plastic shoes. And I said to her, ‘But you actually bought these, you can order these. What if by the time the movie comes out, these things are everywhere, and it doesn’t look like we’re set in the future?’ And she said, 'Oh no, that’s never going to happen. And sure enough, by the time it comes out two years later, everyone is wearing Crocs. So it already started coming true even faster than we made the movie, really.
I graduated in 2011 shortly after the shit hit the fan in '08. I remember moving back home and trying to get my shit together. My mom starts hounding me about needing to go back to work (I had worked as a cashier at a grocery store seasonally while getting my degree) I told her I wasn’t going back to that job n wanted to get a career job. After a month of not getting said career job in the worst economy since the depression she threatened to kick me out if I wasn’t working in the next 2 weeks. So I went back to that shit ass retail job… For 4 fucking years.
I worked at the grocery store, got a promotion and still made next to nothing wage wise. After a couple of years it was a real hindrance in interviews. I would get questions like "you graduated 2 years ago, why are you still working at a grocery store? Eventually a friend got a job working in an office at a limo company. I was able to piggy back off him to get a job there. It was shady, and I had no healthcare, or benefits compared to my previous employer, but it was a desk job. I was only at the limo company a little more than a year before I managed to get a career job elsewhere and work my way up. I sincerely think that having that crappy retail job on my resume was holding me back.
It pisses me off that I wasted 4 years on a retail job when I absolutely could have/ would have/ should have been in a better job. I have told new grads multiple times not to fall into this trap. Don’t get a bridge job if you can avoid it. It’s going to suck up all your time, and having the work experience isn’t going to help your career. You’re better off just quitting and pursuing your career in any way you can. Unless you absolutely cannot make rent and will be homeless, fucking don’t do it. Also, now with driving Uber / door dash as an option, I’d recommend it before doing retail. You can actually network driving Uber and talking to folks.
Or Lomo Saltado.
I am a weird Donald fan. What’s your favorite right he destroyed?
Weird Al should change his name to just Al so he’s not affiliated with those people.
They were writing it in cave man so the target audience would understand.
Fr, they scratch up your furniture too