Make sure you’re also blocking all other outbound DNS at your firewall. Many “smart” devices (and presumably some apps, though I have no way to check this) are hard coded to use regardless of what DCHP says to use.
Make sure you’re also blocking all other outbound DNS at your firewall. Many “smart” devices (and presumably some apps, though I have no way to check this) are hard coded to use regardless of what DCHP says to use.
You think I’m jumping through mental hoops for telling people to use an ad blocker?
I love this.
I am all for purchasing or licensing content that I enjoy. 100%. But that assumes the content owner is willing to take my money. I have no sympathy for people who refuse to let me give them my money who then turn around and cry “noooooooo, piracy is ruining us!!!”.
I see a lot of people saying “but that’s how creators get paid”.
Listen: I didn’t put ads on my video. YouTube did. I can’t take them off and I don’t see a cent from them. Block away.
It’s old, but still entirely factual: