All hail Canada’s notice-and-notice-and-notice-and-notice-and-notice system of copyright enforcement!
Hello thanks for visiting my profile.
For any picture posts I make with the [OC] tag, I provide a license for you to use my photo under the terms of CC-BY-SA-4.0. You may DM me for questions.
All hail Canada’s notice-and-notice-and-notice-and-notice-and-notice system of copyright enforcement!
The only other thing I have tried when colours don’t work right is to modify the metacity and gtk theme files. (Save a backup first, then) modify the colours of various white elements to various ones in the rainbow until the mozc popup colour changes. Note that you have to restart every time for it to take effect.
For the colours issue, did you already try ibus-setup? And does switching themes (to light theme or colourful theme) and colours do anything?
Try looking through these links, some variables/config may be needed for proper Wayland operation?
Can the fcitx window font be set separately within config?
I mean you can add all the salts and microplastic glitter bouillon cubes you want to mask it but it’s still a rumschlumpel broth.
The only update to the drama (as Steve already prepared a lengthy response in written form), is that investigative and advocacy videos similar to Honey, NZXT or ASUS will move to a new channel called Gamers Nexus Consumer Advocacy.
I think that even if it risks diminished reach, this is for the better. On the main channel Linus’ concerns for proper tech journalism can be assuaged. On the new channel, Steve can be as biased as he wants, for all our benefit. I just hope he doesn’t get burnt out running 2 channels simultaneously.
Thank you for the reminder to drink water.
Simplest place to start for any linux program troubleshooting is to get logs, and search-fu the errors. You want to try to decipher in the logs what the critical error is within all the lines, and why that might be.
One common example is a file not found error. Very often what file is missing is written, so you can search why that file is missing or you may be able to intuit it yourself.
A word of caution: when asking for help from people on forums, a tech whiz yoh know, discord or Lemmy, make sure you say clearly what it is you ultimately want, and what step doesn’t go right and how, that sent you troubleshooting. When searching, boiling down the search terms is important, but when asking people, context and the ultimate goal is very important. In the example, it’s not that you’re looking for the missing file, you’re trying to get a certain game to work and it crashes at the start, or whatever.
Sweet. Glad I could help.
On your Android settings (check the Hearing Accessibility menu) there is systemwide mono output availability on some devices.
TempleOS as a stage would be something incredibly fun yet incredibly annoying/imbalanced to the point it would get banned from competitive play.
Character ideas: The KDE Konqi, Katie and the whole host of dragons (Yoshi style). Xenia the Fox alternate Linux mascot. Lemmy and Mastodon mascots.
Provisional name idea: Smashtest (like Minetest until they figured out to call themselves Luanti).
Other name ideas: Open Source Battle Royale
Stage ideas:
Special Move ideas (that can work with most characters):
Other attacks:
Obstacles, enemies, hazards:
Your game doesn’t have to have every single element FOSS-themed, as it might make it feel too nerdy, but if you were short on this kind of idea and wanted some, here you go.
Just one extra upvote for you, smartass :).
I sometimes do that, but only like 3 or 4 posts/comments, not the whole history.
When I read a comment that makes me double-take, I check whether this is a troll that spouts a certain kind of contrarian take on every thread (you know the kind I’m talking about), or if it’s someone who posts reasonably most of the time but will put out a mind-provoking thought once in a while. I think the latter is fine and part of healthy discourse, so I’ll upvote the unpopular take and some of their reasonable takes that I checked.
Calc was actually quite comparable for 90% of Excel features I have ever actually used.
Writer is petty good on its own, but the fact that .docx documents don’t quite matchup vs. When making and opening with Word makes it difficult for me to use officially.
Impress is just plain disappointing compared to PowerPoint.
Base might be okay, better than nothing I guess.
The rest of the suite I don’t know.
Neat, I did already transfer my budgeting to GNUCash a few months ago, but this looks shiny too.
DDG only recommending older Reddit answers as a result of the Google deal may be a net positive for it then.
What’s crazy is that it’s more than that.
“I’m a gamer so I know what I’m talking about, that gamers know nothing about this topic.”
The logic is very backwards.
A new in-game plague? /s
Mark my words: Office Online will “adopt” these advertising and cloud-save only features within 2 years.
(If this happens and I remember this comment I will try to link it).