What if you use tabs for indentations and space for alignment?
What if you use tabs for indentations and space for alignment?
What if you prefer a DSL? I use G’MIC for image processing tasks.
I use states, but no classes. G’MIC is my main language. I do appreciate the functional way of thinking after writing in it for so long. States are just variables that defines the mode of something, right?
I dislike Python as well, but it has it place. I only use it for quick code tests before doing it in other languages.
I’m just glad I have other options than just Python. Am not afraid of writing my solutions either. I rarely use Python these day.
I kind of like it. I can understand where it start and end.
This is what I prefer too! I also some times prefer to use bitshift when it comes to division or multiplication of power of 2.
Also, highlighted the way you expect when you click next to braces works too.
Uh, that would be infuriating to see. (Yes, I can see tabs in KDE Kate)