That wouldn’t work with gold, as there would be no way to tell the difference; with diamonds, natural ones have flaws that aren’t present in artificial ones
That wouldn’t work with gold, as there would be no way to tell the difference; with diamonds, natural ones have flaws that aren’t present in artificial ones
For the Chromecast, what happens with yours? Mine randomly restarts, or reconnects to wifi, or sometimes Plex has trouble buffering until I reboot it.
Exactly that.
I’ve never heard of FCast, I’ll look into it
Same on the old Chromecast :(
I actually did connect my TV when I first set it up. One of the first things it did was download an update which bricked the wifi on the TV, so the problem kind of solved itself
Just say you don’t understand encryption
Mine has a button to cycle between 5 power levels, a knob for time, and the start button is also a 30 second button. It’s perfect
Luck of the draw, it was found in a dev Wii
My point stands: pay enough, and people will do the job, shitty as it is. Same as garbage sorters (all the garbage at my local landfill is sorted, with easy recyclables like aluminum being pulled out, manually; it’s a shit job but they pay well).
If the money isn’t there to pay well, that’s a fault in the system itself, but I’ve seen enough of capitalist and especially American economics to know that the money probably is there, they just don’t want to pay it. Whether it’s the nursing homes themselves or the insurance companies doing the grifting doesn’t actually matter; somebody is profiting, and profit is theft.
It doesn’t matter. There is always a price point that will attract enough workers.
It’s just a price point that’s higher than private elder care facilities want to pay. It’s not a labour shortage, it’s a wage shortage.
want all the benefits of society without contributing
No, that would be what the rich want (and get)
Of course there are enough people to fill that role-- there aren’t enough people willing to fill that role for the shit pay. Increase the pay, eventually you’ll hit the point where the jobs are filled
If we start now, we can probably switch the pronunciations of Aristotle and chipotle within a generation.
deleted by creator
Yep, the difference between .444… And .5 is only .0555…
Who notices 5 nintieths of something? That’s going to be within the error of sloppy measuring anyways
While not exactly a bouncer, I like Quassel
Well I use key-based login for security; obscurity just keeps the network congestion down
You can use any port for ssh. When I switched from 22 to 1337, brute force attempts at logging in stopped
On the other hand, my only remaining Windows machine routinely bluescreens with 0xDEADDEAD, which is never supposed to happen (it’s a test code, for a deliberately initiated crash).
I think the last time I got a kernel panic on a Linux machine was 2011, and it was an mp3 player that was definitely not designed to run Linux.
It’s a portmanteau of brotherhood and friendship, with the joke being that they are on a boat
I’d assume the noose is edited in