As someone who’s mexican I encounter that more than one would think since I have 2 last names and it gets weird sometimes since I also have a middle name.
As someone who’s mexican I encounter that more than one would think since I have 2 last names and it gets weird sometimes since I also have a middle name.
God I was pissed when riot did it for league. They didn’t even have a terrible cheating issue, it was rare and they suuslly caught it and parched it quickly. If blizzard can do it so can they.
I’m of a similar opinion but really it depends on the user’s wants.
I personally don’t care for an easy app like interface. My set up is literally just wireless keyboard and mouse in the living room and a pc hooked up to my TV. I just stream stuff from ‘free’ sites online. It’s not much effort really. I’m not usually interested in checking out movies and shows the moment they release, I can wait a couple weeks or months for them to pop up in good quality on those sites.
This might be a shit complaint on my part because these games are specifically for those type of people but I’m playing ff14 atm and they fuggin make me go across the world to talk to someone through a cut scene then make me go across the world again to rinse and repeat and that’s the game. I understand repetition is to be expected in mmo questing, I played wow for 17 years but at least for wow there’s some actual world exploration to be done to some degree and it isn’t usually forcing you to cross the world constantly. Ff14 doesn’t even have proper world exploration, they have teleport stones everywhere so you don’t truly get to see what’s up beyond following the quest lines. Glam, posing and rp saves that game.
Dude, it’s not even just people who pirate might go and watch something. They’re more likely to buy merch which they make more money off of. I’ve bought plenty of merch for stuff I pirate.
I just found out it’s called professional line and it’s a thing. A streamer I watch has a mostly adult community and without fail every time he puts out a merch line there’s people asking for the professional line. Its basically the clothing blanks with no mayor logos and maaaaybe a tiny monogram somewhere that blends in.
Granted his shirts aren’t usually just solid color so a professional line makes sense, they have some sort of pattern or are dyed in weird ways and then have his art on it. He hasn’t put out merch with just his name since the early days, it’s actually cool stuff now.
That’s why I go out of my way to support the Lil guys when possible. Wish more had better merch vs logo on generic t.
Plenty of forks out there that still work thankfully.
Fuck I don’t get your downvotes, you’re right. I get people want to vent but in the greater scheme of things having to use different words to be a smidge more inclusive isn’t that big of a deal or effort considering what some of us do to help our friends be accepted.
They’re gonna do the delay tactic too but this is more insidious.
The amount of money the husband is asking for isn’t all that much, pennies to them and in the greater scheme of things this is a nothing suit to them, low stakes. Since it’s low stakes they’re trying this tactic first to see if it’ll stick and create that dangerous precedent. I don’t suspect it’ll go through but with all these right wing pro capitalist judges it might, and it’s worth trying for them since it’s such a low stakes suit.
They sorta are, plenty of options for cheap quality untilited phone plans out there even with international included and very few people actually need a state of the art 1k phone to make payments on.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not policing how people should spend their money. All I’m saying is that plans are from the past and don’t need to exist, like faxes.
Back in 2012 apple won a UI patent and we know how those megacorps do. No idea to what extent but that sorta stops any big contenders on copying them. The multi year contracts are a meme from the past but it’s the same sort of people who aren’t techliterate enough to learn a new UI, that keep with the contracts.
See my other comment.
Tldr: Parents make sure to teach their kids not to shit on the ground.
A little. Hands on parenting is what they need. I made sure my baby brother is tech literate when my mom is 100 percent not. He just graduated highschool this year. Sure some of the blame is on tech but kids don’t know how to shit in a toilet either and parents make damn sure they learn as quickly as possible.
Can’t really blame them either, it was our generation that dropped the ball in making sure they were more tech literate than us. Not that I have kids but still.
As someone who’s used and uses both for work and isn’t a fanboy of either, sorry but apple does not have an easy to learn interface. It seems like every single choice they made was done to just be different from the alternative, more often than not to the detriment of the user. If they lock people in to how their ecosystem works low tech people can’t easily change.
There’s a handful of captcha out already that can solve the ones even I can’t solve lul. It’s crazy.
I might actually put this under my skills. I’m fairly good at googlefu.
Hate to admit it but yea. They can make them at better than cheap trash quality and keep the price at trash quality cause they have the supply chain and bulk to not lose money on em. I’ve gone into their Amazon fresh shops and really love some of their products. Their peanut butter is pretty darn good, and the only better strawberry jelly I’ve had besides small farm stuff is Knotts berry farm.
Something that could happen in Mexico for a name is Juan Maria as a first, Guillermo David as a middle and Gonzales De Mercado as a last name. Technically 7 words and totally a thing but not common at all, anymore at least.