I think a UPS is overkill unless you also have brown-outs to cover for. A surge protector should be enough
I think a UPS is overkill unless you also have brown-outs to cover for. A surge protector should be enough
I agree but in this case an unlocked bootloader is unlikely to help. These niche devices rarely get good roms
If I understand correctly, very little. Since proton already implemeted esync, which was a workaround for this.
The size of the updates and also the size of the game itself might be due to how it is packaged. You want data that belongs together and is accessed together to be stored together. For example, the game might have one file per level that is loaded and kept in memory when you enter that level. You might even store the same asset multiple times if that means it’s easier to access sequentially. This optimization is less necessary in the are of ssds but you don’t want your game to be completely unplayable on people that still run it from a hard drive.
You want us to yell out our credit card details over the phone like the good old days?
Well if everything’s working correctly you’d want the desktop itself to stay close to the sdr values but have applications that are HDR capable to make use of it. Otherwise you’re limited to full screen apps making use of it.
Call people? For database software??? I’ll install postgres from my private dark corner tyvm
Ah I did some more research and what I said only applies to the older Elgato devices. They did use h264 as the format over usb and you could use that directly without recoding. But they moved to a custom format due to delay and decoding overhead. And ofc you’d want stream ovelays and such which also requires reencoding.
You are correct that the Elgato does video encoding. And that if you use your GPU it’s putting a little bit of extra load on the GPU. But it’s negligible since the video encoding is a separate part of the chip. Maybe you’ll lose a percentage of FPS due to power usage snd bandwidth, but honestly the same is probably true for the CPU load caused by USB bandwidth.
Revanced still works but it’s a cat and mouse game. Sometimes it will stop working but the next day someone will have found a workaround. Bit of a hassle to patch the new APK each time.
I thought it was libvlc that covers that but no, it is indeed libavcodec which is part of the ffmpeg project. Does anyone here know the relationship between libvlc and libavcodec?
Has anyone here been in a situation where they thought “man, 4g sure is slow. Hope they roll out 5g soon”? I guess they need a feature to put on the box, otherwise people might think their current phone is good enough.
Mom: “We have Linux at home”
Linux at home: Google™ Linux
The team at Microsoft that was working on it probably got put on different projects. There wouldn’t be anyone to put in the effort to get the code cleaned up of any proprietary libraries, internal references,… No way they are shifting people back around and paying for development to get this done.
IP rights is not a problem that needs solving. In fact, the existing legal system has ways of punishing copyright violations whereas the Blockchain does not.
Supply chain validation is also an example of the block chain “in action”. But the people that are entering the data on the Blockchain are the same people that were typing it in an email yesterday.
I used to be a fan of the technology as well but so far it hasn’t show itself to be useful. A solution in search of a problem.
100% compostable
If it’s Android tv then yes, there is a VLC version for that.
On some days listening to a whole album start to finish just hits different
I agree. My previous phone was a OnePlus 7 Pro, the last one with a pop-up camera. I only ever used that camera as a party trick, didn’t take a single real photo with it. The only reason I switched to Motorola edge 50 is because the OnePlus hadn’t gotten security updates in 2 years and it’s second battery was also starting to degrade. I’d use an aftermarket ROM but my banking app probably won’t like that. The Motorola is fine I guess. The punch hole doesn’t often get in the way. But it’ll never be quite as cool as the 7 pro…