I hear they do micro work for mechanical turk in some Finnish prisons. It is optional, but surely won’t teach you anything at all about tech.
I hear they do micro work for mechanical turk in some Finnish prisons. It is optional, but surely won’t teach you anything at all about tech.
Same, but apparently android app is no longer supported since google play was too annoying for the developer. So wondering how long I can keep it up.
Yeah, him being dead only makes it slightly better
Probably not too much so his big tech friends can scrape all data they need.
to add, if one does not want to use CLI, Axiom is great UI for ffmppeg where you can do the less advanced stuff. https://axiomui.github.io/
Ghosts hold grudges while skeletons just wanted to focus on spooky business
This implies that the bones are elsewhere, forming a gang of spooky scary skeletons.
Nature is healing
My ass probably could appreciate real performance if I was into audiobooks overall, I just like books as books. I’m not exactly happy about all content being replaced with AI slop. However I don’t think spotify cares, if something is cheaper they will go for it, just like other corpos.
Oh well I think they will be losing as well, people don’t even really need the audio book providers anymore, since they could just do AI ebooks themselves if they just have the text ebook.
Audio books are no longer expensive to produce. I bet my ass most except for the biggest titles will be AI generated in very short time. Whether people like it or not.
If someone unironically wore gloves like that I would bully them without hesitation.
Some fork of youtube-dl would probably do. Personally I use JDownloader 2 (open source) to download not just from youtube but from any other sites as well. It runs locally.
I’m a bit disappointed to the practical uses, but I still get some value out of AI. I sometimes use chatgpt to tweak existing SQL scripts at work, and as a trouble shooting assistant. Also I use this tool ultimate vocal remover to extract stems from songs, mainly to make myself instrumentals to practice singing over. Those are really only things I do regularly, despite trying different self hosted AI tools. Most are cool but not very useful.
Hell yeah. Saw Bodom live like 5 times before Alexi died.
Oh damn, 28 weeks is far better movie IMO though. Scarier, and the concept of rebuilding after zombie outbreak and having another outbreak despite safety measures is much more interesting than traditional zombie story.
Not the movie itself, but once I downloaded 28 days later, and found Finnish subtitle for it cause at the time I still needed those. In the subtitles word “fuck” was translated to “hole bread” in Finnish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruisreikäleipä Also at the end it said “Subtitles by your Dad”
Other time I downloaded Children Of Bodom’s Blooddrunk before release and got Bullet For My Valentine’s Scream Aim Fire instead with file names renamed as Bodom’s track names. IDK why but now I like both bands.
They won’t. Maybe they get rudimentary tasks done faster but their lack of understanding of what they are doing is gonna cause problems in anything else.
Honesty as an aspiring indie dev myself, I wouldn’t mind you pirate my game BUT I just buy cheap indie games on sale without not being sure if I’m going to play them any time soon. Best case scenario I found new favorite game, worst case scenario, I just payed 8€ (-the expenses from the store) to some developer chasing their dream.
My wallet can take it and I like to support indie scene.
Well maybe, micro work is really dehumanizing and cognitively rough. I hear some US inmates do work at McDonalds and if I had to choose between that and microwork, and if time I spent working was the same with both options, I would take the fastfood job any day. At least have done that before irl so I know what to expect.
I’m ADHD in IT job, and my mind would explode if work I did with computer was just unskilled datasorting job.
But I do know US inmates have basically slave conditions. But I read a book about microwork and it sounds like psychological torture to me. Like what they do in Severance.
(Work without worker is the book)