And at worst, they will kill you for perhaps being gay, trans, having a different religion, or otherwise not conforming to ‘normal’ society
And at worst, they will kill you for perhaps being gay, trans, having a different religion, or otherwise not conforming to ‘normal’ society
Perhaps, but for a lot of people it can be incredibly dangerous or even lethal to be that social target
Not contradicting anything you said or trying to make an argument, just thought it would be a cool thing to share and let people learn about.
But if you do want some kind of argument, then I would say that while you are not wrong here, conformity has basically nothing to do with drawing reasonable conclusions and that really isn’t it’s purpose. Conformity is almost more of a defense mechanism (which can go wrong rather easily, hence this discussion) meant to keep us comfortable and prevent accidentally painting a social target on our own backs. It’s when conformity is conflated with logical reasoning that we start to get problems.
This is a little concept known as conformity, and it’s a pretty big and interesting part of sociology
I’m just referencing this old classic series lol, no actual judgment here
Game on a Mac, huh? Alan might like a word . . .
I fucking wish
The word your looking for is extortion
Nice trapezoid
Evolution turned out wildly different in an alternate universe where E comes before C except after I
An executive is trying for that 500% raise this year
For power tools just pick your favorite color and stick to it. All the big brands are the same except for their special lil’ batteries. For everything else, buy cheap tools (Harbour Freight, garage sales, Amazon, eBay, etc.). When you wear them out / break them / otherwise need to replace them, that’s when you can justify spending a bit of money to get good tools. Plus at that point you’ll have a much better understanding of the tool and thus what you want or need for the tool to best serve you.
Or be like me and spend too much time/money finding a tool that might be good only to never use it because brain says, “I’m bored, find new hobby” every couple of business days.
Are these hard Arizona’s any good?
You are what you eat
Wet + Bed = Problem Solved
But that one is a special kind of crooked
The crooked third caption may cause mental distress
Not when I’m done with it
Hey, I’ve had some great beer in America.
. . . wonder what that little import label means . . .
We need more products to have interesting aesthetics again