So you’re telling me you’re cold-hearted? 😳
So you’re telling me you’re cold-hearted? 😳
What’s that saying? “Cold hands, warm heart?”
Conveniently, this post was in my feed just a page or two later. You got a bug up your derriere, Nougat?
Makes no difference to my point.
I’m aware it’s not a protected class - that was the point of my initial comment. But your rebuttal implied “hate crimes” were defined as those based upon properties of a person they had no control over - with a major caveat for religion as well. My point was if you can include something a person chooses to believe as an additional exception, then that opens up an extremely wide swath of possible exceptions.
Don’t get me wrong - I’m not arguing against the inclusion of religion, just saying that the inclusion can be used to crowbar in any number of other “classes” to be protected as well simply because they’re based upon beliefs.
It’s that religion exception that belies the idea that it’s solely about qualities of a person that they have no control over. Beliefs are beliefs, regardless if they’re related to religion or capitalism.
Or distraction caused by a topless “wardrobe malfunction” - the source of which disappeared into the crowd & will never be found.
Well, technically this seems to have been a hate crime as well - just not of a “protected class” (which I’m sure is a “shortcoming” of the law that they’ll get “addressed”).
In the comics (at least those from my decades ago childhood), it’s depicted as him seeing the same as normal people do - just through stuff. As such, I’ve always assumed it’s not actually X-Rays proper & they just used that phrase to convey the concept of seeing through solid objects.
He probably didn’t have a choice no matter when he got the power - I doubt he knew how to control it right off the bat.
The point was he has “X-Ray” vision, which lets him see through solid objects. Ergo, he likely couldn’t help seeing them from time to time until he learned to control that power.
What question?
I think George Michael’s Freedom hit that mark like three decades ago. Became a huge hit (one of my all-time favorite songs). Still hasn’t changed a thing because the execs don’t care as long as it sells, and they get their money.
Thanks to Monty Python, I half expect to hear any Aussie I meet ask “are you a poofter?”
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Misspelled hooliganism, sorry.
You didn’t mention a VPN, so when you said “moving” I naturally thought you meant physically… .…(ツ)…/
Can’t answer for anybody else, but from what admittedly limited information I’m aware of there are many reasons I’d not want to move to India - Modi, pollution so bad in places you can hardly see through it at times, rampant huliganism hooliganism, sexism, mobs severely beating/killing people (most not even nearly for “justifiable” causes), high unemployment, castes, people still openly using public streets for restrooms, etc. Doesn’t seem like it’s any better than the Ununited States of America.
Well, man did create God in his own image, so that only follows.