Bed on the floor. Best of both worlds.
Bed on the floor. Best of both worlds.
depressed/self-loathing people dating each other is a really bad idea and results in shitty relationships and emotional turmoil
I see what you’re getting at here… but sometimes instead it results in going to couples therapy and figuring out the roots of your problem and talking to a psychiatrist for medications, etc.
The nerd can also create a startup, and get a friend to be the business person. Usually this involves selling the startup to a large company at some point.
If the nerd is an academic, the university can “help” the academic to market the invention; the academic will get a tiny amount and the university gets the rest. Or the academic can create a startup on the side, and set up their favorite graduate as the business person.
I view the begining of scif as the 60s maybe late 50s.
If you’re making a point about pulp sci fi, the golden era of sci fi was in the early 40s, and there was plenty of pulp sci fi in the decades before then.
Surprised Pikachu, obviously.
Not Linux-specific, but if he’s looking for new casual games take a look at:
Old-school: hoodie and mirrorshades.
And let’s not forget the hands…
Once you figure out Gimp, you should keep the right-hand-side in AI and just do the left in Gimp.
One of the things I learned as a scientist is that for any major accomplishment, there are thousands of people who did difficult, necessary, and not-widely-recognized work to make that accomplishment possible.
Take a look at the movie “Threads” about the effects of a nuclear war. It’s from back in the cold war, but a lot of it remains relevant:
All cognition has an emotional component, so you have to be more specific. Once you get more specific, then you’ll see that music and art communities are different.
Agreed! I’m typing this out while reclining on my futon+mattress on the floor.