Was killing a murderous CEO a good and inspiring thing to do, and do we need to see more of that kind of direct action? Abso-fucking-lutely.
Is putting anyone, however much you might admire an action/s they took, up on a pedestal, ever a constructive thing to do? No.
Is spouting bigotry ever acceptable? Never.
And the only thing overlooking and brushing off bigotry achieves is more bigotry, and sending the message to the marginalised people around you that you care more about venerating a stranger who causes them harm but made you feel warm and fuzzy for a minute, than you do about ending their oppression.
This is why “no war but the class war” fails every time - intersectionality is essential, and if you don’t use your privilege to prioritise protecting those who are more marginalised than you, even from supposed allies (which a frankly terrifying number of people seem entirely reluctant to do) - then what the fuck are you doing? (enabling and participating in bigotry is what)
If you can’t deal with valid criticism of someone you consider a hero, you’re not a fan, you’re a cult follower, and nothing good has ever come from being part of a cult.
E: Just adding what I’ve seen so far, if your knee jerk reaction is to defend these posts, or brush them off as “error in judgment” or whatever (especially if you would be outraged if, say, some random MAGA had made similar statements, as I’m sure many have), you are saying that their content, and the people it is aimed at, are acceptable collateral damage to you.
I have to tell you, that Action Park shit is still sitting with me… 😂
Seriously though, thanks for managing that community, it’s a good 'un. I’ve woken up many a morning to a wiki page you led me to lol
E: also, it’s 3:45am now, am feeling a little called out by op (though I had actually gone to sleep at 10pm too, it’s just that I’ve woken up since 😭)