Jelly?? What kind of pizza are you calling pizza?
Jelly?? What kind of pizza are you calling pizza?
Second rest and backrest!
North America?
More like hardcoded WAF challenge.
Darn, i really wanted to drive to Iceland, now, you are downplaying my needs. I feel offended! /s
Good point, but did it solve anything?
In my country no ISP will offer you a real IP address anymore. Not on IPv4 at least. So doesn’t matter if your ports are blocked or not, you are CG-NATted in any case.
You need to backup exactly two folders, which i have also pointed out in another commend and in the wiki.
However you back those folder up, it’s up to you.
I think it is. It doesn’t take much to understand which folders needs to be backed up. They are also pretty clear on the immich website on how to backup the database itself. No, just an “export” wouldn’t be good enough since the files themselves do not include the metadata.
I have three tiers of backup. Never heard or the 3,2,1 rule?
3 backups 2 locations 1 offsite
I backup one time on an external disk connected to the server. A second time to another disk, connected on an OpenWRT router located in the patio. A third copy is uploaded to my VPS in the cloud.
not all three are symmetrical due to disk sizes. But critical data is always backed up on all three. Daily backups.
Restic do deduplication and encryption too, so actual data usage is really minimal and all is kept safe.
Very low WAF score tough.
Yes, i encountered this issue as well. Seems that tweaking NGINX setting helped. Still stupid that a large upload will stall all the others.
i have double checked but i do not have any banner on my wiki at all… Where did you see one? The only cookie is a technical cookie only used for your preferences and no tracking.
Be careful. My disk usage is well over 8gb after bridging my WhatsApp and telegram chats…
In the clouds I would be worried about storage costs.
The ISP is blocking his ports too, it seems.
Why do you need to make a question questioning OP needs, when he is looking for a solution to a problem?
Rent a VPN, setup a wire guard tunnel and fuck your ISP!
Anyway having a real public IP on a residential block is basically impossible anywhere but in the USA, I guess.
Se this link: https://wiki.gardiol.org/doku.php?id=router%3Aproxy_chain
Hope helps
I backup with restic the database backups done by immich, not the database itself, and the Library/library folder which contains the actual images and videos.
I see, not being a native speaker I missed that.
Wtf, tough, sugary tomato sauce??!? WTF!!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) ;)