So, we should treat all russians, israelis and americans as plain assholes?
So, we should treat all russians, israelis and americans as plain assholes?
I can, 2007… I used them as fkashdrives for school cause it looked cool and a flash drive was a luxury in my country. I lost a lot* of info because of an error and never used one again
It’s a little funny to see Americans saying “genocide joe” like if the USA endorsing a genocide was a temporal thing and not the freaking constant of the last century
Humans would do literally anything before lowering their standard of life
Wait, it’s all politics?
Always has been
We are legion
If I’m not mistaken, and please correct me if I’m wrong, I recall that the ancient greeks dedicated a lot of effort in bettering communication of ideas.
Chuck norris could be the second coming of Jesus, and here you are, writing blasphemy
And here i am, thinking that the opposite of icecream was Surströmming
Bonus: at one point in time, there was ice cream served with pepperoni Apparently
I would go for master and puppets
Happy ascension brother!
Oh boy, you need so much stellaris /s
I read Romans had this during the monarchy and the early days of the republic. The calendar was so fucked up that they had to add a few “festival weeks” to compensate and catch up with the solar period.
Yes, and I always screw up with these kinds of sentences.
Everyone that I know that uses linux is using Ubuntu. I’m the wierdo using Debian
Vegetarians are cool, vegans are activists.
Who said it cant be both?
I prefer being on the lying on the floor than on a bed, but entertaining? Mmh