This didn’t tell about your cookie policy and there was no streaming video of something I have no interest in. And where were all the ads?
This didn’t tell about your cookie policy and there was no streaming video of something I have no interest in. And where were all the ads?
I can’t remember Fred or Barney being abusive. It was a clone of the Honeymooners, so they were not the brightest bulbs in the lamp.
When you need to lose weight you can’t live with it either.
Check-in rejected during code review. If you can’t summarize what you are doing, then you don’t really understand it. You may have to edit the comments after you have worked on it a bit and have a better understanding.
Are the gains self reported? They are probably lying then.
Or even just smell nice?
YouTube I have been able to clear cache and start the free trial again.
no worries about exploitation
Until De Beers starts synthesizing it.
I am confused about this. Can’t you just not watch their stream? How does it ruin the game for others?
If you compressed a 14” pizza into a ball it would probably be about the size of your head, so you should not eat one.
Informed? Did the infection rates start dropping lately?
I just sort of picked a server at random when I singed up. Turned out to be a cool place, but I am sure that is true for most instances.
Nonsense meatbag, why would we do that?
4 spaces? Hard core Python programmers must have a callus on their thumbs.
A few games listed as gold for me ran fine on the Deck, but I was unable to play them because of unreadable font sizes. Some of these could be tweaked and there is always the magnifying glass tool, but I prefer them on the PC, which is still Windows.
This is Sparta, you piece of shit
Why not make an Ai that can look for a cure to his cancer?
I bet they feed it to dogs first. Or maybe pigs. The dogs would just scarf it down and then, in most cases, throw up if it was bad. The pigs would smell it or maybe give it an exploratory chew, but skip anything they detect as bad for pigs.
If by surface level read you mean reading what the author wrote, then I agree. I think in this case, what the reader brings to the story is most important. I have training as a biologist so, survival of the fittest is right in my arena.
Micromanagement to speed up product release date. Daily meeting and status reports, work breakout categories such as ‘code design’, ‘code development’, ‘code documentation’, etc,etc (flash back gif of Apache helicopters flying over a jungle