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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • “As Black Friday and the holiday buying season approaches, the American public should know that not only is Steam an unsafe place for teens and young adults to purchase and play online games, but also that, absent a change in Valve’s approach to user moderation and the type of behavior that it welcomes on its platform, Steam is playing a clear role in allowing harmful ideologies to spread and take root among the next generation,” says Warner

    What? What the fuck, democrats?

    First off - cool letter bro, I’ve always wanted to write one but unfortunately we are in the current century. I don’t know what kind of a pretentious cuntwaffle you have to be to write a letter at this point in time, but apparently it helps if you’re a senator.

    Second - really? Valve should moderate user scrrenshots to make sure there are no swastikas? What if I have a swastika tattooed on my face and the pic is a closeup shot? What if my swastika is related to Hinduism, not fascism? Listen, cumstain - if you’re not gonna do your job as a government and you’ll allow extremist speech by hiding behind your ‘freedom of speech’ bullshit, don’t be surprised when a corporation can’t do it either. What, the KKK is too hard to stamp out for the US government, so let’s put Valve on the job? A Neonazi fuck just won another presidential campaign, you’re telling me your country is against swastikas? Fuck outta here.

    And third - I’d really like to know what makes steam “unsafe for teens and young adults”. Is valve impregnating kids now? Do they carry measles in their steam decks? Is gaben running with scissors in school hallways? Or is it just that you’re an out of touch cunt who last understood technology when horse power involved actual horses?

  • Yes, like most normal people do.

    There’s a lot of discussion when you’re a software dev about the best way to do things, and a lot more is spent on this debate than on actually writing code. One could wonder if there is so much discussion because there are so many good ideas that it’s difficult to choose the one that is optimal for the situation.

    But then you read one of these posts on lemmy and you are reminded that someone with internet access and thumbs could spare the short time they have to take a shit to egregiously misunderstand a simple fucking slogan, smugly post about their shit take on the internet, and then return to their job where they will then spend hours misunderstanding the simplest of fucking concepts, slowing down everyone else along with them.

  • I mean, it just sounds like the people from your Tools/Infrastructure/IT/Devops/whatever-it’s-called-for-you department are fucking incompetent and can’t properly configure a Single Sign-On. Took mine a few years as well, I think the ticket was stuck in the queue behind the “restart some servers when nobody’s watching to see how long until they find the issue” tickets, which they seemed to be working on weekly.

    Also, I can’t think of any reason why SSO can’t work with Mozilla or Chrome also, not just with Edge.

  • Oldman.setHealth(“dicktits”); //normalize pls

    Oldman.setHealth(“-100±1%”); //make percentage pls

    Oldman.setHealth(0.0); //it is subunitary, but undefined behavior - will it access the ‘numeric value’ overload, or the ‘subunitary numeric value’ overload?

    Don’t write your own code just yet.

  • That too. But he’s also really angry that the world passed him by. That his understanding of AI turned out to be less than others’. That his skills couldn’t make it happen and while he was on the side of the road watching everyone else try and commenting on their failures, someone actually kind of succeeded. Not completely, of course. But enough that it eclipses all of his career and makes him seem like just another naysayer that’s been proven wrong. Like someone who can’t make things happen so he resorts to laughing at those who even try. Like an old man yelling at clouds.

    So yeah, now the narrative has to change and he has to yell at the bad capitalists who are bringing about the destruction of our way of life. Otherwise he looks like a hasbeen yelling about the people who could do more than him. So he does this yelling at capitalists from the comfort of his home, typing on the technological achievements of the last hundred years, without needing to worry about making and washing his own clothes, walking to the village 50 miles west, his wife dying in childbirth or him catching a stomach bug and shitting himself to death, all because we had a fucking industrial revolution that took care of those aspects and so many more, and those capitalist pigs saw there’s money to be made in technology improvements so they invested in it. Did this benefit the few more than the many? Yes. Did many people find themselves out of a job, needing to adapt to strange conditions they were never trained for? Yes. Did it also bring about incredible quality of life improvements, especially to this old useless fuck who wouldn’t even have a job without the last few decades of tech advancement, if he could even stay alive through the last pandemic? Also yes. So sitting on the sidelines crying about capitalism while at the same time enjoying its benefits is nothing more than a hypocritical plea for attention, all stemming from the fact that he can’t seem to be able to stand having been wrong. Which, holy shit - get that narcissistic crap outta my sight.

  • I work on crap like this, and it depends. Yeah, diagnostics are done in the car - the main ones, that is. But for example BMW collects data from all their cars - they’re able to do some big data analysis. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the diagnostic info this app provided is an inference - your car has software version 4.3.21, and all cars on that sw version have experienced a certain bug at 200k km, so it’s time to go to the dealership or get a remote update or something. It could be done.

    Most likely though, they’re just taking the personal data from your car and showing it to you. You know - after also saving it for themselves.