I’m saying if your use case makes regex the best option, you’ve gone the wrong way and should turn back. There are definitely corners you can paint yourself into that make it the way to go, but you’ve ended up there through a series of bad ideas.
I’m saying if your use case makes regex the best option, you’ve gone the wrong way and should turn back. There are definitely corners you can paint yourself into that make it the way to go, but you’ve ended up there through a series of bad ideas.
Turns out the million hours of coding put into SQL, makes it a better option than regex, even for xml based files.
If you’re needing that level of complexity in a text file search, you already fucked up by putting the data in a text file. There’s a reason data file formats exist.
Never debug regex, just generate a new one. It’s not worth the hassle to figure out not only what it does, but what it was meant to do.
Better yet, just write it out in code, and never use regex. Tis a stupid thing that never should have been made.
You would think engagement would work better, and IRL it does. Online you’re just feeding the trolls.
Could be slow due to a poor power connection. Or just a slow drive, but worth reseating the connector to check.
I’m waiting a month to see how public reception goes. Give the public a chance to marinate their response before I try it out.
Now I’m feeling called out. I keep having these stacks of if statements that could just be a big ass list of and and and, but then it runs into the debate of how much crap should be in one line of code? Especially knowing, at some point, it’s going to be my dumb ass stepping through trying to figure out why this one edge case is the reason we’re not hitting the inner code.
I mean, i haven’t actually been to Japan myself, but I’ve heard some things…
Well yeah I’m gonna let him out hustle me. That bastards on crack.
The best restaurants in the world are in London. Of course they don’t serve English food. The Brits just knew to bring the best stuff home.
It turns out the specialized medical needs are kind of special, and they fly people to where there are facilities when they’re needed. And only affects a special portion of the population. For everyone else it doesn’t matter.
For fuck sake people crossed the entire US in a god damn wagon while risking being shot at by random tribes and eaten by bears. What’s stopping people now is that they can’t afford food or a place to park the damn wagon without getting harassed by the cops.
Moving to more rural areas is what causes rural areas to build hospitals, and doctors to open clinics and offices. There are plenty of jobs everywhere that just involve sitting on your ass in front of a screen, or standing behind a counter. Even in rural areas.
Growth doesn’t just happen. People have to go places and build. UBI would make that process a shit ton easier.
So your use cases for regex are when you’re not going to actually fix the problem that caused you to need regex?