In my personal experience, although I still struggle with this, things do get better. Both getting better at social interaction, and caring less about being bad at it
Revolve or die
In my personal experience, although I still struggle with this, things do get better. Both getting better at social interaction, and caring less about being bad at it
I use Ubuntu Studio. First thing to do is configure it with the included Studio Controls app, which is easy.
I used Reaper on Windows so it was easy for me to just use the Linux version. I’ve also messed around with Renoise which works well on Linux. People rave about Bitwig and it’s more similar to Ableton I think, but like Ableton it’s expensive. IMO you want want one of these rather than the built in FOSS DAWs, although to be fair I haven’t tried those recently.
All these come with some built in FX to different degrees. Ubuntu Studio also includes a bunch. The free Airwindows plugins are also well worth getting.
I have a couple of U-He synths which are top notch and run native on Linux. They have some FX too which I haven’t tried.
If you want to use VSTs you’ve bought it’s doable with Yabridge apparently, I haven’t tried it.
I know this is a gaming sub, but I’ll just add that I had a similar experience with music production. Used to he a fiddly disappointimg nightmare, now it’s smooth and usable as a daily driver
Ah yes I remember this guy, they call him the Crystal Methodist
It’s a shame because I really want to use Firefox. I’m sure this is partly aggressive memory management on Android, and maybe especially on MIUI (do you have a Xiaomi by any chance?) But none of the Chrome derivatives have this issue (Brave, Vivaldi, Privacy Browser all work fine for me)
Yes. If I’m away long enough they might, but I’ve just switched back to Brave after about an hour away, and no refresh. Whereas Firefox would refresh every time I switched app, which made it unusable for me. E.g. enter username on a webpage, switch to password manager to copy password, switch back and Firefox reloads the page. Infuriating
I never found a solution, switch to Brave. Still use Firefox on desktop
American companies have way more power over my life than the Chinese government