The exe is clean and it’s English, but you can use the 2024 versions of yt-dlp by using --allow-u to download drm protected videos
Then use mp4decrypt to decrypt the files https://www.bento4.com/documentation/mp4decrypt/
The exe is clean and it’s English, but you can use the 2024 versions of yt-dlp by using --allow-u to download drm protected videos
Then use mp4decrypt to decrypt the files https://www.bento4.com/documentation/mp4decrypt/
it’s drm protected and you need keys to decrypt. I already have these two extensions and it’s working.
https://github.com/FoxRefire/wvg/tree/next + https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/hls-stream-detector/ or https://github.com/DevLARLEY/WidevineProxy2
https://github.com/nilaoda/N_m3u8DL-RE (downloader and use the keys to decrypt the file)
example mpd “https://vodnowusoawsdash-cf.tvnow.de/pgrn/cves/sd/rtlplus/932203/1-1-1d-3-2-1-2.ism/v1.mpd” (the free trial video only gives me SD)
in .mpd, replace 3-2 with 1-1 to get HD (1080p)
you really are missing out staying on public. There are some Private trackers dedicated for content like this and have users who works in the film industry but are hard to join or impossible to join.
try docspedia.world and mvgroup.
I guess those 16% are filehoster downloaders. Most debrid users prefer streams.
does your ISP cap your data like 1TB per month? If you reach the 1TB, your speed will slow down.
I know 2 Germans. They prefer Usenet over VPN. USA gives you warning. Germans don’t give warning.
edit: i think this is frontend no?
there is also torbox and debrid-link fr
Best public tracker I can say for newly release is milkie.cc (it is actually semi-private, but they are always open)
Private tracker currently open and will close anytime soon today or tomorrow. See if you like their content https://upload.cx/register
If you are willing to pay, try usenet. Cost is cheap now because of black friday deals.
Edit: Damn milkie cc suddenly closed registration after what 2 years?
Edit1: New milkie invite code https://milkie.cc/milk/BestCowsHere
Edit2: upload cx is now closed
Netflix and MAX do not use m3u8. Are you using the developer tools or some extension to search for m3u8? I am not updated but last time HBOMAX (now MAX) uses mpd. I forgot about Netflix.
Can still access. This guy used to advertise his website. It’s nice way to spread the site lol.
Try the other VPNs. The last time I used a VPN to stream test the other location was PIA. VPNs with servers for streaming should work.
Yes, it won’t work with L3 keys. As far as I know, L1 is different, you cannot just extract it without hacking it.
I never heard of L2 too so no idea. And yeah, you need physical device for L1. In some cases, you don’t actually need the device, but the keys to decrypt the video.
Disney, MAX, and other uses L1 for 1080p and up. Even if you managed to download a 1080p from Disney, you need L1 keys. If you have an android that has L1 cdm, you can extract it (don’t know how). And L1 cdm gets blacklisted after few hours or days. You need another L1.
Streamfab is much easier to use for L3 content. Streamfab emulator can download 10 videos per day, and then use VPN or TMAC to bypass 10 downloads.
Be careful, some people will try to scam you selling you L1 cdm.
some tubi contents are not drm protected so you can easily download them with yt-dlp as already mentioned… If you are using firefox there is a drm (drm protected) icon next to https.
try musescore dot com
If you are using your home connection, then you are losing against seedbox users. Seedbox has better peering.
Private Tracker. Just do the MAX trial and download 720p using streamfab.
Even if it’s 720p should beat the dvdrip version so just download it using streamfab.
The 1080p if it’s available on MAX then it will come eventually. I already saw 720p web-dl.
top gear subreddit > top gear ultimate pack (1 TB)