Careful with ol Ted there, all his good points were accidental, dude bombed university offices because he heard a plane fly over in the woods.
Careful with ol Ted there, all his good points were accidental, dude bombed university offices because he heard a plane fly over in the woods.
Would you like to see a film? It’s $60 to enter the movie theater. A chair to sit in is $10. You wanted to see the film? You need the glasses to unscramble the screen image. $40. Audio? That’s for due paying subscribers $4.99/mo. You want to exit the theater? $120. In case of fire? Cleaning up your ashes generates a $200 fee.
Technically speaking they’re using the words correctly, liberalism is describing the freedom of capitalists to do as they please above all else, Republicans in the US aren’t traditionalist, they are neoliberals who want unregulated capitalism, and if course they are highly racist nationalists who want to improve white birth rates by any reduction of civil rights possible, and ethnic clensing, the democrats on the other hand prefer status quo neo liberalism, being closer to what you’d call a conservative, in their system unfettered capitalism along with conservative status quo is a pretty accurate use.
He put out a fake magazine cover of himself with a crown with the NYC skyline with ‘‘long live the king’’. And his goons have been using the phrase dutifully.
STOP! STOP PRETENDING THIS MATTERS.! The retail worker doesn’t care! It makes no difference if the carts are in the corral or anywhere else in the lot. It effects NOTHING!! STOP!!
No no, billionaires would never steal money after closing down oversight and watchdog agencies, then brazenly starting a new ‘‘office of mysterious authority you don’t get to background check that operates in the dark’’ and using it to access the most sensitive parts of US government functionality. That’s crazy talk!
He was baffled a building he was opening had a water use plan. You know. That thing everyone who’s built a building larger than a shed has to deal with.
Well it’s still true in the sense that if the average person wanted to kill another person they’d have a difficult time figuring out a method, if they don’t want to get caught. Granted most murders are men killing a spouse or other known person which often includes suicide, or they don’t care about spending the rest of their life in prison or the getting capital punishment anyway.
Where as accidently killing someone is technically speaking always entirely effortless.
I can’t even smell anything well, my taste is very weak, but I know what my kids respond to, and after several years I have a good sense of how much of any spice will work.
If it doesn’t clear my sinuses completely how is it supposed to cure me? Of course it needs cayenne.
9Yeah those 3 years really demonstrate how the myth of ‘‘they married young in the past’’ can’t possibly be a myth.
Average marrying age in 1950 was 20. Well after high school, and there’s plenty of scandals documented of middle aged or old men marrying teens that drew responses of shock and moral outrage.
Most scholarship on this said the mid 20s is when views in the US shifted to viewing teenagers marrying as morally wrong.
Yeah, let me walk you through it. JULIETTE has parents. In the play. Those parents that are her parents. THOSE parents, Juliette’s parents, THEY say that she’s TOO YOUNG to get married. Her parents. They say that. They say she’s too young at 13 to get married. What they mean by saying this, about Juliette, their daughter, is that she’s only 13 and shouldn’t be married, because she’s TOO young. Her AGE. It’s too small for marriage. They say this in the play. Juliette’s parents. It’s a subtle nod to the people watching the play, so they can get the idea that the parents of Juliette think that she isn’t old enough to be married. At her age in the play.
Not that normal. In Romeo and Juliette her parents tell Paris that while they agree to the betrothal they won’t let them marry immediately until she’s ‘‘a few seasons older’’ but also, the plays were for everyday people, and aristocrat’s were the only people marrying so young, and Paris is this big good get for the family to have ties to, so it makes sense he doesn’t see a problem but her parents do.
That covers a list of stupid shit I did as a kid that would take days to read out load.
I once asked an exterminator I hired at a job site what a particular bug was called, as I only knew them as ‘blood suckers’ growing up. He then huckled at me and said ‘‘I call em dead after I get through with em’’ and I realized Dale Gribble was a cartoon character who wasn’t based on a true story.
Wow it’s really hard to pin down a definition of Nihilism. Anyway, I always saw Nihilism as a view that nothing is meaningful, that everything means nothing. But not that nothing matters. If you have no meaning to ascribe value to anything or anyone, you wouldn’t find meaning in unnecessary harm or discomfort to others, in a harm reduction mindset.
False dichotomy, because there’s never two options, there’s all the options, pizza tonight or tacos? There’s millions of alternatives.
The sitting president is the leader of the party. He’s not going anywhere.
How hard up for money could they possibly be? It’s such an insane move.