I don’t need ignorance to feel wonder. I think things are cooler when I can marvel at the complex mechanics behind it all.
I don’t need ignorance to feel wonder. I think things are cooler when I can marvel at the complex mechanics behind it all.
What, and take any responsibility for the Commons?
That’s one of the weirder ways I’ve seen to say “I don’t enjoy competitive games and everyone who does is stupid.”
I don’t think chickens are usually referred to as “dog-sized” even if it’s occasionally true.
Only if you trust the French more than the guy who named it.
We should re-do Romanization. Start over, sound it out, have a big Anglosphere conference to decide on what letters make what noise and stick to it.
That’s why UBI should just be cash. No account, no card, nothing to trace or manage.
To be fair, we sorta knew it was possible because birds. I think it’s more impressive when we don’t know what can happen, like breaking the sound barrier or putting people in space.