Side note, anyone need cloud storage?
Side note, anyone need cloud storage?
Buy a used PC that can take a PCI-e card and has room for several drives.
Buy a used sas controller recommended by the truenas community
Stuff the PC with 10 drives: one SATA SSD for the OS and 9 20GB HDDs in ZFS configuration for 140 TB of storage with 2 failover drives.
Install TrueNAS and create a network share.
Repeat and/or upgrade as needed.
Edit: I just went web window shopping. Does anyone have $3k I could invest?
I’ll admit, it could, but the battery conditioning might still struggle.
This is correct.
Additionally, you would not want to substitute a larger or smaller capacity battery as the charging cycle of the UPS is built for a specific capacity.
There could be a user-centric back end that you could tie in to an account, if it matters. You would export your history to the backend and then log in to the data from the new frontend. That prevents a denial of service caused by numerous large data collections attempting to forward their data all at once.
That then causes me to wonder if data could be hosted separate from the services. That would mean that there would have to be individuals willing to provide that storage and bandwidth.
Have you ever seen the advertisements on the pirate bay? There is a market for everything.
Defederated from instances that federate with and support Turkish laws? I don’t like it, but it makes sense.
That makes me wonder if it is possible to federate with a and b, who are not federated, and not pass traffic between.
Suppose the fediverse becomes widely used. At some point, people will figure out how to profit from it. Although it is a decentralized platform, I can see particular instances becoming dominant and walling off other instances.
How can we prevent users from being stuck behind walled gardens like this? Is it possible to make accounts portable, so if a particular instance becomes unusable one could easily move between them?
I was referring to running a second device. Running the TV off osmc would rock, but not happening.
Frustrating fact: I have to wait for my LG TV to boot. It shows a picture, but takes a minute to load the OS and produce sound.
/mnt/ is where I would put this. Only exception would be if I had a service I was providing, like a media player server, and then I might mount it at /srv/
I would gladly factory reset my television and run off osmc or something if that becomes the norm.
It’s alive and well. My independent research shows that torrents of users are using it for large foss packages, as well as various media.
This duck in a hoodie shows how both technologies can function together. https://hackyourmom.com/en/pryvatnist/bittorrent-cherez-i2p-dlya-anonimnogo-obminu-fajlamy/
Given the Kindle Fire, ads will stream to the occupants if nothing is playing over the audio system. There would be no way to install a third party sound system because it is also the computer.
Send a pic of what you are seeing.
Those 2008 disks weren’t great, but airflow advice at that time wasn’t great either.
I can understand how you got where you are, but my concern is that your raidz pools will get more slow as the shared bus fills. You might be able to mitigate this by distributing your pools across different root hubs.
I get the point that external devices will have less heat entrapment, but laying your components in your case to optimize air flow will keep your drives cooler and extend their life. Also, I personally have a lot of risk in my house due to children and pets and can’t imagine leaving my devices out like that.
What size drives and what quantity are you considering?
I know it’s not your question, but you might get much better results from a SAS card and adding SATA SSD drives. You can slowly upgrade an ATX system to meet increased power and space needs. I have done the same using truenas and it’s working great.
Continuing to add USB devices does increase the serial traffic per bus since it is shared. Increased traffic increases errors, lowering your bandwidth further.
Most desk side support is exactly that.
Not even moderately helpful for printer questions.
I was thinking about the scripts surrounding a video player and episode management.
Over Tor a direct download might be better than torrent. I don’t recall why tor is terrible for torrents, but my experience was lame in that regard.
It checks user agent to see if you are using something generic in a user agent switcher. It gives me fits sometimes if I leave it on chrome from Firefox too long.