A better educated and less impoverished population is something, too.
A better educated and less impoverished population is something, too.
I’ll pay for college for a large number of people and pay a lawyer to defend my action as not “giving it away.”
I miss OMD: Unchained. 😔
People will bitch about anything.
For sure, but I don’t know about that phrasing…
“Jellyfin and chill” sounds kinky
Congratulations, it’s an asshole!
There will always be exhibitionists and people who just like to fuck, but sex work is, by definition, transactional. You’re not going to see a society with free communal whores who aren’t being compensated in any way.
Ah, so I did. Not sure how I managed that, considering how relevant those points should be here.
Obnoxious, lying, seditious, narcissistic, rotting corpse vs. tired, confused, rotting corpse.
My wife’s job has all of those amenities, too! Well, it didn’t at first, but she’s been 100% WFH since covid. She’s got an office with a window, cats in the workplace, lunch is brought to her straight from the kitchen, and she can even take breaks to go on walks with her family during the day.
I do the same. It’s just not worth dealing with the ever-increasing shittiness of streaming services.
Yeah, I somehow doubt that Apple could be done in like Yuzu. They’re in a different ballpark, league, and game.
Stone and Rock! Oh wait…
That’s my secret: I’m always depressed.
What’s to misunderstand about Donnie Darko? I get a complete lack of understanding (particularly if the person had only watched it once), but I’ve never heard a real misunderstanding of it.
My views on Republicans are similar. The voters are both ignorant and poor, as well as selfish and wealthy. Those are two subsets of the same group. The leadership tends to fall into the latter category, with a few idiots thrown in for good measure.
It’s a 196 thing, I think.