What is OneDrive if not cloud-based?
What is OneDrive if not cloud-based?
I’m old enough that I remember when 28FPS @ 320x200 was considered a target, and my vision isn’t as hot as it used to be. So long as I’m not noticing any obvious issues, I don’t really care enough to check.
The product website says the enclosure will be available as (I guess?) stl files, so that’ll be a good starting point.
Oh I remember that. Played pretty regularly for a couple years during lockdown IIRC then completely forgot about it. Shame, it was pretty fun.
Not that they won’t try, but it’s very difficult to blanket ban VPNs. There are very legitimate business reasons to use them and it isn’t necessarily easy for ISPs to distinguish between a “recreational” VPN connection and an employee VPN’ing into say, a work datacenter. Industry will kick up a massive fuss about it.
In other news, VPN subscriptions have skyrocketed in the U.S South.
Oh hey it’s me
Waydroid + some kind of webVNC maybe
deleted by creator
The Forever Winter. Released in early access due to popular demand. It’s rough, divisive, and difficult as hell. It’s also incredibly grim and hauntingly beautiful. It’s a PvE-only, stealth-based, extraction (non-)shooter where you scavenge resources to survive in the shadow of a military-industrial complex run absolutely amok. You are incredibly underpowered, outnumbered and outgunned, to the point where if you need to start shooting, you’re probably already dead. Gameplay is tense, frightening, and really drives home the overwhelming feeling of being a small fish in a really fucking big pond. It’s the opposite of a power fantasy and I’m really glad someone is doing something that different.
I’m not sure I’d recommend it in the state it’s in, if at all, but it’s definitely making me feel some kind of way. I don’t normally enjoy extraction shooters, but I find myself coming back to this one. Not that it’s really a shooter. Maybe that’s what’s doing it for me. The most divisive part is the water mechanic. It’s a key resource for your settlement; If you run out of water you lose all your stuff. But, it drains in real time not game time so it’s kind of a big commitment at the moment. Personally I understand both sides of the argument and I haven’t decided where I fall yet. It’s definitely worked on me because I find myself thinking about the game when I’m not playing, but if I end up taking a break I’m not sure I’ll have the commitment to build back up from scratch again.
Installed this on my Legion Go today. Took about an hour, all hardware supported out-of-the-box. Hardest part was mapping the controller. Haven’t actually played much on it, but I’m very impressed with the experience so far.
Soulseek. I’ll search a band I like, then browse the directories of other people with similar taste.
I was, but that’s still really useful to know.
Yep. I suspected something like this. Either from the voice rec or the way it emulates keypresses. Good to know, thanks!
The LeGo built-in controllers. They get a lot of shit for being weird and tbh I get it, but they suit my cartoonishly large hands. The detachable feature is pretty useful too since I can use it for Actual Work™ in public without getting looked at like a freak.
I don’t know how to feel about this.
I’m pretty sure I tried the desktop app method at some point. Didn’t work at all for me but I can’t recall why.
Oh it’s an absolute slog for sure. And I can’t even guarantee it still works. I wouldn’t have even tried if I didn’t happen to chance upon a suitable device. Definitely wouldn’t recommend paying eBay prices for one just to do this.
I’ve done this successfully, but you need to jump thru quite a few hoops. These instructions are for Kindle only. I think dedrm can cope with Nook encryption but I don’t know how to do it. It was a while ago now, but to the best of my recollection:
I’m not totally sure all this still works. You’re honestly probably better off getting a Boox device and downloading stuff from Anna’s Archive or similar.
Pick one.