90% of the people I know who use kindle products all OTA their purchases to their device. If they have “illicit” books on their devices, I put them there.
Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.
90% of the people I know who use kindle products all OTA their purchases to their device. If they have “illicit” books on their devices, I put them there.
I’m not going to be any help unfortunately, but I wanted to say my laptop has a Japanese keyboard, and Garuda Arch detected it, and it switches back and forth with no issues. I’m using the “Dragonised Gaming KDE” flavour.
Sorry I couldn’t help.
がんばれ 💪 (be gentle, I’m still learning)
That does seem to be what they’re implying, yes.
The rallying cry of the folk that don’t want you to remember that they’re almost all actually kiddy diddles and human traffickers.
Whiskey? Yes, definitely. Look up “The Angel’s Share”.
Next question.
No worries fam, I got you.
Your bed is too low to the ground, as we age our voices begin to struggle to get upright. Try whiskey.
I am not a Doctor, this is not medical advice.
Lazy prick! Should have just put the video on in the background while doing dishes, or do what I did and briefly skim the comments for someone to fight with! AI is dumb, it’s not even named effectively and you’re dumb for using it and a sheeple for calling it AI in the first place!
Fight me! ❤️
If seller is willing only way to drop cost of customs is to have the shipper mark it as broken/faulty. Will absolutely not work at all times.
Edit: or go in person or have someone who is traveling from seller’s country to yours bring it and not declare on customs forms. Also not 100% effective. This is also known as smuggling. For small personal tech items, almost certainly no major repercussions or difficulty. Your milage may vary.
Fair enough. I’ve not even got to the locked building. I’ve only put like 30 odd hours in. And I’m a bit of a shit gamer 😅
You guys have reached Golgotha?
Sorry. Play it gg?
I definitely works with cracked games, as long the crack lets you access LAN game mode.
Well… chat bot simulation of
Hamachi install via terminal. {Edit: terminal instructions are for MacOS only}
Hamachi install via downloading the files
Try this?
Everyone playing will need to install hamachi, and join the same network. The person who has the best internet connection should host.
From the website:
LogMeIn Hamachi is a hosted VPN service that lets you securely extend LAN-like networks to distributed teams, mobile workers and your gamer friends alike. In minutes.
It fakes everyone being on the same LAN network, it’s my goto for gaming when not everyone has a legit copy.