If proton supports CalDAV (I’m not sure), it should work e.g. with DAVx5 which integrates well with Android calendar.
If proton supports CalDAV (I’m not sure), it should work e.g. with DAVx5 which integrates well with Android calendar.
When I had the issue with mariadb demon been killed, I think either in dmesg or syslog there was an entry reading "Out of memory: Kill process… " or similar.
Then, maybe, Baikal a Cal-/ Card-DAV server is what you are searching for.
That would not be equivalent to ‘remote location’, as the files would be stored locally on your computer and being synced with the cloud.
There is also a way to enlighten the way ahead of you: video
Back then, lions must have been looking like this.
Productive research is also hard to imagine with such coding practice either.
Yes, it was a course on finite deformation material models. And no, you do really, really not want to declare each and every variable in your material subroutine globally for the whole finite element program.
Yes. He really thought it was efficient and would avoid errors if literally all variables were defined in a single Matlab function he called at the beginning of the script. We students all thought: “Man, are you serious?” As we didn’t want to debug such a mess, in our code, we ignored what he was doing and kept using local variables.
I’ve once had a course involving programming and the lecturer rewrote the code, which we were usually using at our institute, making ALL variables global. - Yes, also each and every loop counter and iterator. 🤪
That’s odd. I hate closed eco systems.