It would probably be better if you said the game that you wanted to do this with.
Private is subjective. Do you mean as solo play or with friends. Most games have options to cover both instances.
It would probably be better if you said the game that you wanted to do this with.
Private is subjective. Do you mean as solo play or with friends. Most games have options to cover both instances.
A minute to decide if there is a bike in the picture really ?
They are making the OS more and more convoluted for loading your own books.
Neowin generally announce those that are being freed that week. They do not keep a running list though.
The race to the bottom for you is how I get to the top. See we all win at something.
We have Ikea in the UK , which is a single track that meanders through the store. It forces you through every aisle. There are exits and shortcuts built into to it, but they do not make them obvious. I absolutely refuse to shop there. The few times I have been in the store has always left me angry for wasting my time.
At least when a king or empire extracted money
They really did not. You may have had one or two that wanted more for the country. Most were just greedy shithouses who could not care at all. Unless they needed bodies for a war OFC, then the dynamic changes.
It was to make the male seem more important. Even in English the word “woman” comes from “wife man”. Everything was about the pecking order in history. Gender bias was a major part of that.
I use Iphone and Ipad just for the banking. I distrust Android. It is an open system, and used a lot more for data collection than Apple’s ecosystem is. The return you get from a data request between apple and an Android system is vast. I refuse to use Facebook and the likes.
I never buy the latest edition of Iphone anymore. I have done in the past, but the idea of spending £1200 on a phone seems stupid to me. I have very few apps on both the Iphone and Ipad. I use a PC for other stuff. Iphone hardware is good with the CPU side of things, but the cameras are very inferior compared to some android phones.
I use a windows PC to move my own music to my iphone, but it is a hampered system. I really do not understand why they have not been brought to the spotlight of the monopolies commission because of how bad they hinder transfers. I have a process I have to follow to get new music on my iphone. Anyone who wants movies on their apple products should look at VLC. It is the easiest method. I should add I haven’t added new music for a long time. This could have changed, but I would be sceptical until I saw it for myself.
I look down on anyone buying a Macbook. They are total dogcrap, and massively overpriced. They are designed to fail in many areas, the latest being the SSDs that are causing surges in the motherboard, which destroys it. Apple constructively inhibits any repairs behind software encoding and pressure it puts on 3rd party suppliers. They lobby US government to restrict self repairs. You are literally throwing money into Apple’s bank account for very little return.
ok. Seems you answered that one for him.