I use the term Autopilot
I use the term Autopilot
Considering how we use it. It is absolutely fascinating. Same for magnetism
If I recall correctly it’s important to be running ECC memory right?
Otherwise corrupter bites/data can cause file system issues or loss.
Sounds like they’re running their own LLM instance on googles cloud infrastructure vs using something like OpenAI via API.
As web dev parlance it makes sense but for marketing it is definitely confusing and they should do better.
It’s all fun and games until some guy from the gym comes to battle you
Imagine, if you will. A world where string reverse changes the character codes of the string.
What beauty, what wonder would such a world have?
Destruction and despair. Developers unsure why their programs don’t respond correctly. Ships run aground on islands already overcrowded with those who were shipwrecked before. Signal antennas pointed towards the sun with it’s constant noise. Spacecraft whose exhaust melt to slag populated cities as people briefly scream their final terrors of pain and suffering.
This, is a world we should not want to live in. A world you can only find, in the Twilight Zone.
Even Microsoft did. Their Office Application libraries are phenomenal.
Scriptable object based libraries that work and do so cross platform. It’s a thing of beauty and I’ve never seen MS ever do anything even remotely like it again.
Asp MVC. Nope, different.
Windows code API’s. Nope, different.
But office… Excel.Sheets etc. [chef’s kiss]
Derulo? More like JSON undefined.
It has a very 16 bit (SNES, Genesis) Adventure RPG look. Like Star Trek: The Next Generation
I figure it works either way.
Just like some guy named Dan saying he’s a friend of Sir, which is his loving nickname for his pet cat.
A two panel meme with Candace and her mom from the cartoon Phineas and Ferb. They are alone in the car with Candace’s mom driving.
In the top panel sits Candace in the passenger seat, smiling and gesturing with her hands to show excitement and she’s speaking.
Text at the bottom of this panel says “they are so nice to put alt-text under their memes just for people like me to get the joke.”
In the bottom panel the same scene but this time her hands are at rest together while Candace’s mom looks at her and is speaking.
Text at the bottom of this panel says “I worry about you sometimes Candace.”
Jeff should just be happy his name isn’t Kirk
And that’s the point of the game. It’s an art piece on the horrors of war.
A deep dark look at what war truly can be instead of the glorified way it’s often portrayed.
Heavy like This War of Mine and Papers Please
Possible something on your motherboard has PCIe lanes that are dedicated to GPU when it’s slotted, otherwise they can be used for other devices?
For example here’s a post about m.2 slots that, when used, affect the PCI on a particular board. May be worth checking your boards manual to see if there’s something similar.
The answer not only seemed a HUGE disappointment, but a bit baffling. The pdf manual says if you occupy that 5th m.2 slot, which is the Gen 5 one, the Pci-E 1 slot is automatically downgraded to 8x. This I thought would be unacceptable if running a behemoth like the RTX 4090 I eventually plan to get, as it requires a lot of power and bandwidth.
I have free credits I’m not using for fear of forgetting some task and having to foreclose my home to cover the bill.
Who else loves this new SAAS future we’re living in?
Absolutely. It was great. Was good in VR too.
I did find this paper where somebody used the term “mindless reading”
Seems that is the term used for it such as this talk in 2006