Hang on a minute, are there any roombas here today?
Hang on a minute, are there any roombas here today?
I love doing this, and bought a picker so that I could do it hands free. Feels satisfying and really community minded.
Snowcrash was my first thought too! Love being in the sort of community where people have heard of it!
My dumb self went off to the comments section looking for a user called Big QWERTY
Rock and stone, to the bone
Love a deck builder…
Must… not… buy… more Steam games
Shit talking my own games, while living under my own roof? Who do you think you are boy?
I’ve got Against the Storm and I played it a bit, then my son said something like “isn’t this just a worse version of dwarf fortress” and I’ve not really recovered from that yet
In the UK we still use Tories as a nickname for the conservative party, one of the two main parties in our political system and a kind of pound store republican party. They do indeed still feign royalism when it suits their purposes, some things never change.
God I love Wildermyth.
I’m currently in mourning because in the final play of the final chapter of my last campaign, my top level fighter got hit with compulsion, killed one of my mages, and my other fighter and then died herself. She left just one character, her wife, to bury the dead and appreciate the phryhic victory.
I do usually do that when they get into a game, watch some YouTube and try to skill up a bit! This one seems super complex though.
Exactly! I know it will make sense eventually!
A couple of people have mentioned ARAM so I’ll take a look. As with a lot of these games, I find assimilating information at speed is not my forte!
I’m currently playing turn based RPG, Wildermyth, if you want an idea how fast my mind goes!
I played Heroes of the Storm, back in the day, and really enjoyed it, it didn’t feel as complex as league did. I was similarly bad at it though!
I played (and lost) 3 games, no-one said or typed anything at all that I could see, though that may be an artefact of a super low elo game?
Sorry should have been more clear, I meant the one inside the battle, when you can buy items to help you in the game. Haven’t got as far as working out if you can pay to get better items on that list!
My lad has been pretty calm about playing it, and most other games but I’ll look out for the behaviour and language, thanks
But that one that’s out of sync tho
There was only one film, don’t know what you’re talking about with sequels.
And if there were sequels, there was only one of them and it was Highlander 3