Thanks, I was thinking of the fitness app
Thanks, I was thinking of the fitness app
You need to get this reviewed by a company of peers all of whom also need to do this in their showers
Did you turn off two way sync? I thought deleting data from your phone would make the system to interpret the change as an update and delete the data from your Nas too.
But what about when you want to move a few gigs out of your phone to free up space?
lmaoo this is comical
In the old days hamachi used to be all the rage to VLAN with your friends with pirated copies of games. Wonder how hamachi is doing nowadays.
Do you keep a regular log of the work that you do? Beyond the commit messages I mean.
I suppose if you read/write code on your phone it might make sense
Every tutorial should be crafted for some hypothetical user stupider than their current stupidest user.
I beseech thee pull my merge request lest I smite thee (bitch)
debian nightly release
Doesnt computers do this automatically if you try to copy over a file larger than its per file size limit?
Alright, I have no idea what this means.
A 3D simulation running in a 2D universe?
yeah this is what i thought too. proliferation of small files.
Why? Is docker hard to use?
Hi, is this syncing instantaneous, or periodic?
cant you download the earlier version instead?
Ah, yes. That’s the one.