Either or. Sony phones still cost and arm, a leg and your left kidney though.
Either or. Sony phones still cost and arm, a leg and your left kidney though.
I did the same for the piano tbh. I was better at rhythm games than parsing sheet music so I’d practice and memorise pieces on something like Synthesia.
The hypocrite removes videos and other content at the behest of his other authoritarian buddies. Like in Turkey. If you ask me, safety should’ve just blocked and banned twitter from Australia.
Confused? This has been an ongoing thing for the past 20 years. Ever since the corporate types deduced that a solid ip with pretty graphics got enough people to buy the game to recoup the cost. Sometimes not even the solid ip was needed if the cinematic was good enough.
A glass once in a while isn’t going to harm thier development and will teach them that alcohol is to be enjoyed responsibly in moderation. No one is saying get shitfaced with your kids.
Still using one with a jack. Other must haves for me are sd slot and tool less sim tray.
They may not have to maximise profits but the shareholders will question every decision that doesn’t maximise profits so the result is the same. That’s why activist investors that push companies to more ethical behaviour are important.
Australia’s version is a dns block. It only stops people who don’t know how to google or change thier dns.
The “tahun baru cina” thing used in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei isn’t uncommon or disused btw. It’s the term used by the native Malay population because Malay is the official language in those countries. A term not used by the cultures celebrating this lunar new year.
These are the dodgy streaming sites laden with ads right? Not surprised they get shut down if they’re profiting of piracy.