Funny you should mention this. I got banned from several communities for saying something like this.
Funny you should mention this. I got banned from several communities for saying something like this.
I’m up for it, down for it, up for it, down for it. This is me jumping in excitement.
So… The article is about someone discovering the Steam Deck for the first time. A bit late to the party.
Wouldn’t look at Nexus Mods for such things. They’re sometimes weird or overly cautious about what’s allowed on their platform, and I’m pretty sure that graphically executing current-day public figures would kinda go in their taboo zone.
Maybe a mod for Sniper Elite where you assassinate them…
Maybe on the keyboards. But as much as everyone is talking about sending CEOs to the guillotines, nobody is actually doing it. It’s just angry posting and venting on social media in between regular dull life moments.
Make that joke again and I’ll drown your X in WINE! >:V
I don’t care! Seeing spring on Mars and Jupiter would be fucking awesome!
Because there is a sweet spot somewhere.
Dude, how the fuck is one supposed to contribute to society when you’re competing with a robot!? You’re really missing the point.
Moreover, most countries I know have hunting and fishing laws.
I’m seeing a lot of “democracy is going to die” posts… But… I hate to break it to you:
America is not a democracy. And if somehow it is a democracy, then it’s an incredibly bad one. It’s the least democratic democracy in the Western world.
The two party system, the first past the post voting system, the indirect method of counting votes, lobbying, gerrymandering, the electoral collage. Systems to try and manipulate what a vote means. Systems that try to remove as much democracy from democracy as possible, while still being able to keep up some mock appearance.
Your whole country is fucked and backwards from the very beginning, and that wouldn’t be so bad. But if America does something we all have to suffer for it!
Dude, “Luanti” sounds like a cool name even without knowing its origins.
This argument is similar to hating on the name “Bionicle” because its origins stem from a combination of “Biological” and “Chronicle”.
No, the US government didn’t. There were some guys who allegedly heard some other guys talk about a crash that allegedly was a UFO. They all happened to work for the American government.
There were also a group of guys that wasted US government resources on just plain bullshit for literal decades.
It’s not because of a lack of interest. It’s not because we “get used” to things to quickly. It’s because it doesn’t matter. Like, alright. So aliens are real. Aliens have secretly been communicating with all the world’s government.
So… What actually changes?
Is this new information going to fix the housing market? Is capitalism going to change? How is this information going to change corporations squeezing everything dry? Aliens being confirmed is awesome, wondrous news! But… How will I, an average dude, be part of it? What is the point if I wake up tomorrow and everything around me is still the same? Wars are still the same, religions are still the same, the economy, hell, even the information these aliens bring to Earth, only benefits the top 1%.
If I still have to work a shitty job just to barely afford living in a single room, what difference does knowing aliens exist make?
I think it’s more like they don’t care.
I don’t have issues with the original terminology either, and wouldn’t really care if it was changed. But if it were changed to Dom/Sun then it would reinforce the meme of the stockings wearing femboy programmer. XD
Because everyone who has seen Star Wars already knows Luke is cool. It goes without saying.
This is an incredibly wrong way to do it and absolutely terrible advice.
The point of a modding tool is that it keeps your actual game directory clean, and that mods don’t end up physically overwriting either the game’s files or each other’s files.
Anything “extreme” has never been a good thing, that’s why it’s called extreme. But this sort of opinion can also get you a lot of backlash.