They won 60% of the seats in parliament with only 40% of the voted. I fucking hate first past the post elections.
They won 60% of the seats in parliament with only 40% of the voted. I fucking hate first past the post elections.
The provincial conservatives where I live are trying their best to destroy that universal healthcare. It’s rather infuriating.
No, hotdogs have traditionally been beef. And they taste great.
That’s exactly when people come to work together. The French Revolution happened because people were starving.
But isn’t it the best distro?
It’s also on individuals, our purchasing choices shape what corporations decide to make. if people only bought fuel efficient vehicles companies wouldn’t build these idiotic mega polluting trucks.
And trucks are vastly more dangerous for pedestrians than other vehicles. they have massive blind spots, and weight a shitton more. As trucks have kept getting bigger, pedestrian deaths have gone up, that’s why we bring it up.
Hey, they aren’t good at nothing. They excel at killing pedestrians.
Having a vehicle that emits more pollution, does more damage to roads, and is more likely to kill pedestrians is pretty fucking selfish and deserving of hate.
I just rent a uHaul for $20.
Labor for a single grilled cheese is super easy. If you’re selling a lot of them this could be decently profitable.
I just pick a character class that looks interesting, make them look like me, and get going.
Figure it out as I play, and just have fun. I pretty much never watch videos or read anything about games unless I get really stuck, or have already finished the game and am curious about other playstyles.
I mean, both have toxic stupid people, but Reddit does still have way more niche communities and activity. I still rarely go back to Reddit, and mostly chill on, but it is missing many subreddits I liked.
There are wealthy women out there, so it is entirely in the range of possibility. My mom’s first husband left her when she started making more money as a lawyer than him. It’s an ego thing.
Nope, the chip bags with more air have less broken chips, which makes me happy. I’m smart enough to actually read the bag and know how much I’m getting. Given everything is either inflating or shinkflating, that argument is pointless. Nothing is staying the same price, and I see no need to cry about it.
You being a condescending teen, makes your hilarious attempts at a debate rather quaint and amusing.
Never said their wasn’t any shrinkflation, way to completely change the subject. And chips are sold by weight, not bag size, just read the bag and you’ll know exactly how much you’re getting.
Well published doctors with PhDs in Chemistry and over a decade of academic experience? You’re right, there aren’t a lot of us around.
Nah, you’re just a stupid teen trying to sound smart. And if you are an adult then bye goodness do I feel bad for your immaturity.
Have fun with that, but your ideas are stupid because more air does protect the chips from the actual forces and stresses they will experience while being shipped. None of your hypothetical scenarios are even close to the real world in terms of the forces and stresses experienced.
The brand with the most broken chips is Tostitos, which packs their chips with very little air. And they’re usually really broken.
Doritos in my experience is the second worst for broken chips, and they too also use very little air, just a bit more than Tostitos.
The brand I find with the fewest broken chips is Lays, with lots of air.
Wonder why do you?
Try this experiment. Instead of just shaking your chip bags vigorously (something that is highly unlikely to happen in real life). Put your chips in a box full of tons of other bags of chips, and toss those boxes around a warehouse. You will find the bags with less air will generally have more broken chips.
Now stop being a condescending cunt, it’s rather unbecoming of you.
The cartilaginous pre-bones would still be a skeleton. Sharks have skeletons, but don’t have any bones for example.