Yes, but that is also precisely why OP’s shower thought is incorrect: advances in science nearly always lead to new inventions, which make money.
Yes, but that is also precisely why OP’s shower thought is incorrect: advances in science nearly always lead to new inventions, which make money.
The revolution? What revolution? Against ze Germans? WTF are you on about?
Pretty sure she could find a way of breaking your statue body. She could just lean and tip you over; that’d probably be enough to create a fracture and then she can get free.
No, not having any money to buy food and pay rent is a real problem, no matter what your mental state is or how you choose to think about it, much less anybody else.
One major difference: bankruptcy is real.
I think it’s a bit ironic that Wikipedia hasn’t succumbed to the modern era of misinformation the way other information sources have, particularly given the warnings about it that have been given in the past. Not saying those warnings aren’t warranted, just that the way things have played out is counter to said expectations.
Someone did an analysis of what would happen if Superman actually punched you at full strength, and it turns out his fist would never connect with you, because you’d be vaporized by the wave of nuclear explosions erupting from his knuckles as they caused air molecules to fuse in nanoseconds.
Is that supposed to make me want it less?
How’s about a website that generates money, like Facebook or YouTube? Can you own that?
What about products that designed to create ongoing streams of revenue, like a patent on an invention or a piece of art you can collect royalties from every time it is displayed? The USSR famously took ownership of Tetris away from its creator.
Under communism, how does the stock market work? I’m not a big fan of it, but it’s pretty hard to imagine getting rid of it now that the global economy is pretty much dependent on it.
Today, five countries exist that can be said to be communist: China, Russia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cuba. Of those five, none have achieved actual communism, and several have inarguably embraced capitalism to a great extent. All of them have essentially authoritarian governments. Which is unsurprising, since a dictatorship of the proletariat is central to the Marxist vision of how to create a communist society, and involves the creation of a single-party transitional government that forcibly suppresses all its critics and rivals.
I’m not big into capitalism and I think we should implement plenty of socialist reforms, but I will never understand why some people on the Left—or anyone for that matter—think communism is what we should be striving for.
The real question is: why are we spending resources creating speed bumps when pot holes accomplish the same thing?