That pattern is strong in the sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration. The real geniuses were sidelined and kept poor.
In Memex crowd thinking environment for thoughts unthinkable to separate beings, human-machine general intelligence raises superintelligent offspring to help all life.
That pattern is strong in the sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration. The real geniuses were sidelined and kept poor.
Not on average, but we allow the most greedy to self-select into power, tipping the balance.
Price is not value. Gold is more valuable (useful) than lead, whatever the price. Clean air was cheap and valuable, now it must be created in a lab.
86% - measured down to 5% charge playing Full HD video at maximum brightness.
7.5 year old phone LG G6 works fine, almost like new.
Why don’t all computers have everything digital ever made? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_scarcity
Reinventing the “window” from the 1960s.
Poorly edited from:
It should be kept charged at ~3.9V/cell (~65% charge), assuming 3.7V nominal voltage. Best storage temperature is 10°C, if memory serves, or maybe it was the best for charging. Self-discharge rate is ~15%/year at that temperature (~30% at room temp), so if you charge to 4.05V (80%) every 2-3 years, it should last long enough. All values depend on the exact cell chemistry. Learned on Battery University long ago.
My phone is 7 years old and the original battery is fine.
If you’re in a dry, hot environment and evaporate water in a swamp cooler, you lose about 2.3MJ/l (0.6kWh/l), from which you can skim maybe ~10% (0.06kWh/l) with a thermocouple. If you’re charging a Dacia Spring consuming 156Wh/km, you’d have to evaporate ~300 liters of water to drive 100km. (Edit: some errors.)
But then, what if you bought solar panels and a wind turbine instead of thermocouples and water?