Your day will come and it will all be worth it. My day came when the mice arrived. My wife, the one who holds me back, let me loose. Glass jars to the moon! Mice had no chance! I am king again. Brrruhhshahhahaahaha! Cackle cackle evil victory laugh.
Your day will come and it will all be worth it. My day came when the mice arrived. My wife, the one who holds me back, let me loose. Glass jars to the moon! Mice had no chance! I am king again. Brrruhhshahhahaahaha! Cackle cackle evil victory laugh.
Safety isn’t a thing that only happens when in motion. Checking your surroundings when stopped so you know when to go is important.
But he’ll, I think video billboards should be banned too.
Ohio. A perfect cretic (– ᴗ –).
This is c/showerthoughts. You’re looking for c/fartsmarts
Not much since I stripped it out and sold it for a cool $4. Now do you want this cable for 1/2 off or not!
So Descartes coined the term specifically as a dig because he didn’t see any geometric possibilty to the concept. The concept seems to have roots going back to ancient Egypt, but the modern inquiry goes to the Renaissance. I think Gauss wanted to call them laterals.
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Amazement and terror increases depending on which hole they use.
Can you put the relevant comment link in the OP?
I wish I had a friend who could just be there while I tried to get it set up. Honestly, I’d peroxide pizza, beer, and video games just so I don’t collapse in a mess of confusion and self doubt when something goes wrong. I don’t mind doing the work, but I don’t know if I have the patience to figure it all out.
So my Chinese is pretty distant from actual usage, but when did 906 stop being 九百六?
Most people are talking the infinitive case for “eat”, but I’d like to point out the verb, “have had”, is the present perfect case. Still confusing and still agree with your simplification of “I ate too much”. But there’s still a meaningful difference between the two sentences.
This is the adverb form. If it were an adjective, it would be nearer to the noun and not seperated by the verb like in “He stole home plate.” “Home” is modifying the state of being or “am”.
A wizard! Tis why they fled.