I just can’t tolerate scrolling through an entire page of sponsored ads to maybe find what I’m looking for buried under the same SEO article on five different websites
I just can’t tolerate scrolling through an entire page of sponsored ads to maybe find what I’m looking for buried under the same SEO article on five different websites
Is “Balkanizing” a better term?
Wage theft
Way before TikTok yeah. I remember almost the exact same headlines like 15 years ago in middle school.
I remember this being a thing before tik tok
This 100% comes down to funding and available talent on a regional level.
The “provided devices” is the important part of that sentence
My company exclusively deploys machines with physical coverings for the camera and hardware disconnects for the mics.
I agree on that point, nobody has the right to any information about me except for exactly what I choose for them to know. Speaking from an IT professional standpoint, if I deploy a device, I absolutely have the right to know anything that happens on that device. You have to from a security perspective.
That’s why I don’t use any social media on my work laptop. Ideally that’s why social media is blocked on work machines so it’s a non-issue. Kids should understand that concept early, you do have a right to privacy but you also don’t control that device.
We just fundamentally disagree on what rights someone is afforded on a company provided devices. They can’t opt out because obviously not, you don’t get to just opt out of information security policies.
It would be a different beast if the school didn’t allow you access coursework on a personal machine without installing their bullshit, thats a huge issue.
We’re gonna put it on a scheduled repost loop, with it being stickied for at least an hour every post. A different hour each time too.
Sooo schools should just provide devices to kids with no monitoring at all?
There shouldn’t be an expectation of privacy on school/company provided devices, that isn’t how it works literally anywhere. It’s on the parents to teach their children not to use the device for personal reasons.
Ideally the school machines should be limited to only allowing coursework and limited messaging between classmates and teachers, it’s a tool not a toy.
Idk I just can’t get upset about this. Kids and privacy is kind of a tough one to begin with, I personally think kids shouldn’t have unregulated access to communication devices at all until like 14-15, maybe.
Don’t put personal shit on work devices. This is pretty basic.
Seconding banished, it’s great with mods
Are you intellectually capable of seeing literally anything without complaining about Zionists? Like, anything at all? Every single comment you post is the same shit, we get it, be quiet.
Literally the only thing this guy posts is “but whatabout zionists”
Endlessly, no matter how irrelevant
Well did you find out?
Watch, educate, vote and if all else fails, leave
You can just stop this thought after the 1st if